what are steps or importants considerations for flash a jetson tk1 with jetpack 3.1?
host machine (yes)
usb mini (yes)
what are steps or importants considerations for flash a jetson tk1 with jetpack 3.1?
host machine (yes)
usb mini (yes)
Using JetPack implies running on an x86_64 Ubuntu 14.04 Linux host. It should work (mostly) under Ubuntu 16.04. Other versions of Linux won’t run JetPack. Because JetPack is a front end for a combination of flash software and extra packages you can do without JetPack if you are just flashing…in which case flash will run with any x86_64 Linux PC.
VMs can work for a host, but there are many issues which might make it something of a hassle compared to a real install.
Make sure your host has enough disk space…the flash process unpacks an entire Linux file system, then creates a copy of what is to be flashed on the Jetson as a binary image. This is then comparessed, so it takes up yet more disk space. If files take up 2GB, and if the partition is 16GB, and if the compressed image is another 2GB, then you’re already in need of 20GB without even considering temporary files. I’d suggest after you’ve installed JetPack (or just command line flash: driver package plus sample rootfs) be sure you have about 25GB or more spare disk space.
Related to VMs: You’ll find that any file system type used on the host for storing the rootfs files prior to flash must be a native Linux file system type. Usually that means ext4. A VM or USB flash drive might be tempted to use VFAT or NTFS instead…this will cause failure which is not noticed until after rebooting. The “df -H -T” command will show how much disk space you have where, and what type of file system it hasl.
If you just flash, then the micro-B USB cable is the only cable required. The supplied cable is this type…the connector is an “OTG” connector, which means it also allows a micro-A cable…useful for keyboards and HUBs and mice…but it won’t work during flash.
If you use JetPack, then you need the wired ethernet as well…this is for package and network setup. WiFi will not work. JetPack can be re-run at any later date and software packages added or deleted at any time without any need to flash each time. JetPack can also install development software on the host PC useful for cross-platform development…but some of that software won’t install if using Ubuntu 16.04…it should all work if the host is Ubuntu 14.04.
If you only flash and don’t use JetPack, then you’d need the driver package plus sample rootfs. JetPack downloads this for you automatically if using JetPack. Don’t start JetPack with “sudo”, but do be ready for entering your password. If you flash on command line remember to not use sudo to unpack the driver package, but DO use sudo for unpacking the sample rootfs, running “apply_binaries.sh”, or the actual flash.
FYI, putting the Jetson in recovery mode will not harm or change the Jetson. You can do that any time you want, and on the host this command will show output if recovery mode is running (necessary during flash, this mode is never used for anything else…the software install phase and network setup does not use recovery mode):
lsusb -d 0955:7140
Each time you flash or do anything in recovery mode you must restart recovery mode before running a second command. E.g., if you flash in recovery mode, and decide to flash again, then the recovery mode must be restarted between attempts.
If at some point you find your software is valuable and you want to back up before a flash (or just for security) you can clone your Jetson. Clones can be flashed onto a Jetson instead of using a generated image…nice if you’ve done things like set up networking, custom software, ssh keys, so on. See:
thanks linuxdev !!!
flash was sucessfull…
with jetpack2 with opencv and cuda 6.5
after flash… what are any importants points that i should consideration ?
because i will work with opencv, cuda, c++,python,camera
enable usb 3.0 ?
gpu acelerate ?
can help please
If your Jetson touches a public network, change the passwords :)
Use “lsusb -t” to see speed of various USB devices. USB2 is 480M, USB3 is 5000M, older interface devices (such as keyboard or mouse) would be either 1.5M or 12M. The “class=root_hub” is the maximum speed anything can attain when plugged into that port. Do you see “5000M” on a root_hub? If so, then USB3 is already available. If not, then there are kernel command line parameters which can be set to support USB3. Other people may have other advice on where to start.
Almost forgot: You can check if the NVIDIA-supplied drivers are in place with “sha1sum -c /etc/nv_tegra_release”. You might want to update packages via:
sudo apt update
sudo apt-get upgrade
# Verify NVIDIA drivers still correct:
sha1sum -c /etc/nv_tegra_release
If libglx.so got clobbered, run this:
cd /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/
sudo ln -sf ../../../arm-linux-gnueabihf/tegra/libglx.so .
# Verify it is fixed:
sha1sum -c /etc/nv_tegra_release