Stereolabs ZED Support Isaac ROS 3.0.0

Looking through the release notes for Isaac ROS 3.0.0 on May 30th shows “Removed support for Stereolabs ZED cameras until ZED SDK support for JP6 is available.” The latest release of the ZED SDK was actually a few days before on the 27th, which added support for JP6. How big of a lift is it to re-add support for those cameras and how soon can we expect to see it? Looking specifically to use them with Perceptor

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You can try changing the the download link of the zed sdk in the isaac_ros_common docker folder to

I manage to get the zed camera running with isaac ros visual slam on a jetson orin dev kit. Have not gotten to evaluate the performance yet on my custom robot setup.


@tyler.lusk Which Stereolabs ZED camera are you looking to support within Isaac ROS 3.0.0? Stereolabs has just finished porting ZED X drivers to JetPack 6.0. They will be bringing Isaac Perceptor support soon.

@skl1g14 Which camera did you try?

@VickNV We’re looking to support Zed X And Zed X Mini stereo cameras. Are talking more the next couple of weeks or next couple of months for Perceptor support?

should be over the next few weeks.


i am using a zedm camera.

Same “problem” on our side as well
Looking forward to the next update!

Patiently waiting for ZED support in 3.0. Built entire solutions around these cameras that you all recommended in your docs in 2.X. Especially troubling considering ZED had already added support for JP6 before your 3.0 release. @VickNV. Can you confirm ZED support will be in the next release and do you know when that will be?

Same here, we also built a solution with the ZED X Cameras from Stereolabs, and are awaiting Isaac ROS3 support for our Computer Vision and Autonomous Robotics systems.

How hard of a lift would it be to configure the ZED Cameras for Isaac ROS 3? Are we able to just reconfigure the topics subscribed in the Isaac ROS nodes, for let’s say the Hawk or Intel cameras, to the Zed ROS2 Wrapper topics?


Hi everyone.

Unfortunately, I don’t have a release date for this feature, but I can follow up with the engineering team and reply as soon as I have more information about when this feature will be available.


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Any update regarding this would be greatly appreciated!

Hi @sneakyturtle

Apologies for not having the demo and benchmark available for the ZED cameras at this time. However, you have the option to build your own docker container by adding the ZED SDK and using the ros2 zed node.

I will update this topic once I know the ETA or when the demos will be live.



Hi @Raffaello can you let us know if there are any updates on this? Almost September now, and as noted above I think many have panned to use ZED cameras with Isaac ROS, so we are hoping this will be updated soon.

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Hi @rob-pointcloud

Thank you for your post. The engineering team is working to release all previously available demos, but I would like to highlight that you can try your ZED camera by building a custom setup in the meantime.

I report a similar reply for another camera:

I will keep you posted when this update will be live.


Quick update. The Isaac ROS 3.1 is released and restored the demo with the ZED camera

Im attempting to nvblox zed tutorial
Before i can run it, i need to “Configure the container created by isaac_ros_common/scripts/ to include Dockerfile.zed”

im assuming instead of Dockerfil.zed I should use Dockerfile.l4t-humble from the zed ros2 wrapper?
How do i do that with a .sh file?

also the Dockerfile.l4t-humble has


but im on jetpack6, i used 4.1-tools-devel-jetson-jp6.0.0
Can i change the arguments?

Hi @smokemonkey101 ,

It’s to use Dockerfile.zed in isaac_ros_common. If your git repositry is old, please sync isaac_ros_common to branch 3.1. Then go on to continue step 4.

rm -rf ${ISAAC_ROS_WS}/src/isaac_ros_common
cd ${ISAAC_ROS_WS}/src && \
   git clone -b release-3.1 isaac_ros_common
