NVBlox Isaac ROS 3 Stereolabs Zed X mini support

Hi, we have been trying to make the Isaac ROS 3 to handle inputs from stereolabs zed camera, we found in the forums this support is being
Developed for 3 month+ now,

Are there any updates on this matter? Some beta version we could test?

Please advise on how to integrate properly.

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Hi @nir9

Thank you for writing on this forum.

Unfortunately, I do not currently have a release date for the ZED demos. However, I can forward this reply I made for another user regarding a similar Does Isaac ROS support Orbbec Astra Pro Plus depth camera? - #2 by Raffaello

I keep you posted when these demos will be available again.


Hi @nir9

Quick update. The Isaac ROS 3.1 is released and restored the demo with the ZED camera


Hi right now it doesn’t work for zed x , ie zed x daemon is not available and we cant open the cameras inside the docker but we can outside of it.