Support for Jetson Xavier NX and AGX Xavier?


do you intend to support Jetson Xavier NX and AGX Xavier? When can we expect a release for these platforms?

Thank you,

At this time, there are no plans to bring the Nsight Perf SDK to Xavier platforms.

Could you share your intended usage of the SDK? It would help our prioritization process. If you’d prefer discussing by email, please reach us at

We are using Perfetto ( as our system / application profiler, and we would like to add GPU profile information to it using a custom data source in a similar way to how Microsoft integrated Nsight Perf into its PIX tool. We are targeting both Linux x86_64 systems with NVIDIA Desktop GPUs and AGX Xavier based devices.

I will reach out to you in email with a bit more details.

Thank you,

Hi, Gergely,

Thank you for the info. We are looking forwarding to your email with more details.

Thank you,