Tao-converter issues

I am trying to use TAO toolbox to train a PointPillars model. I have gone through the tao-tutorial, tao_tutorials/notebooks/tao_launcher_starter_kit/pointpillars/specs/pointpillars.yaml at main · NVIDIA/tao_tutorials · GitHub . Now I have a tlt file, but I need to convert that to use in the ros node provided here. GitHub - NVIDIA-AI-IOT/ros2_tao_pointpillars: ROS2 node for 3D object detection using TAO-PointPillars. . I want to convert my model, but I am unclear on the options I should use. It looks like the converter requires dimensions, but I don’t see anywhere in the notebook or the yaml file that details the dimensions, and outputs.

I am using TensorRT 8.6 in the tao docker files, as well as the TensorRT 24.05 tag on docker.


Please export .tlt file to .onnx file and then use trtexec to generate engine. Refer to Incorrect pointpillar inference results - #6 by Morganh.

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