I am trying to get the tensorflow Resnet50 object detection model working with deepstream. I have tried to get the objectDetector_SSD example working with a Resnet50 model. I am working from the nvcr.io/nvidia/deepstream:4.0-19.07
First I verified the example as specified in the README works.
Then I attempted to convert the ssd_resnet50_v1_fpn_shared_box_predictor_640x640_coco14_sync_2018_07_03
model to uff, which failed. I modified the config as described by liuyoungshop here:
Conversion to uff was successful after modifying the config.
However, when I try to run the gstreamer pipeline I get an error:
0:00:02.111132286 1764 0x55e82b8b80c0 ERROR UffParser: Parser error: FeatureExtractor/resnet_v1_50/fpn/top_down/nearest_neighbor_upsampling/mul: Invalid scale mode, nbWeights: 4
> 0:00:02.117444937 1764 0x55e82b8b80c0 ERROR nvinfer gs
tnvinfer.cpp:511:gst_nvinfer_logger:<nvinfer0> NvDsInferContext[UID 1]:generateTRTModel(): Failed to parse UFF file: incorrect file or incorrect input/output blob names
I suppose this is because nearest neighbor resize isn’t supported?
Looks like tensorflow ResizeNearest op is supported in the latest tensorrt (6.01)
My questions are:
- Has anyone had success getting other ssd object detection models to convert to uff, especially resnet50? What did you do to get it to work?
- Has anyone had success writing plugins that use tftrt? Is there any planned support for tftrt in deepstream?
- Is there a timeline on a docker image becoming available with tensorrt 6.01 + deepstream?
1. YES. Please check this page for information:
2. Deepstream doesn’t support TF-TRT yet.
3. Sorry we cannot share our schedule here.
Thank you for the information, I’m still working on this.
I’ve been going through the gst-dsexample plugin, I thought I would be able to call my tf-trt model from C++ and so be able to modify the gst-dsexample to use my tftrt model.
It looks like the preferred way to call from C++ is to create a plan file that is fully compatible with tensorrt. I am running into issues creating a plan file as described here: Accelerating Inference In TF-TRT User Guide :: NVIDIA Deep Learning Frameworks Documentation since some of the operators are not supported.
Is there a way to call the tf-trt model from C++, without converting to a plan file?
First, please noticed that Deepstream doesn’t support TF-TRT yet.
In general, you will use the python interface since TF-TRT is embedded in TensorFlow framework with extra flag.
Here is a step-by-step TF-TRT tutorial for your reference: [url]https://github.com/NVIDIA-AI-IOT/tf_trt_models[/url]
Thanks again.
I ended up creating a gst-dsexample plugin that runs my tensorflow model in opencv.
It seems like this strategy could be readily used with tf-trt, with a nice C++/C interface.
Which platform did you use to run your plugin?
I’m in same position as yours I want to run inference using custom tensorrt model, I’m using jetson platform and nvidia does not provide tesorflow C++ api support for jetson. I’ll have to build it from the source.
What approach did you use?
You should try deepstream 5.0, it looks like they support tensorrt out-of-the-box. I haven’t had a chance to play with it. However I was using it on a x86 platform. I also tried and got an tensorflow models working on a jetson nano, but never got tensorrt to work.
Isn’t resnet50 a classification model?