When I run the sampleMNIST application located in TensorRT- I get an error
TensorRT was linked against cuBLAS/cuBLAS LT 11.3.0 but loaded cuBLAS/cuBLAS LT 11.2.1
I had installed CUDA 11.2, so I also installed CUDA 11.1 as given in requirements.
I set the $PATH to cuda 11.1 and $LD_LIBRARY_PATH to 11.1 lib location.
I have also set path to TensorRT- lib in $LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
What am I missing?
Ubuntu 20.4
TensorRT Version:
GPU Type: T4
Nvidia Driver Version: 460
CUDA Version: 11.1
CUDNN Version: 8.0.3
Operating System + Version: Ubuntu 20.4
Python Version (if applicable):
TensorFlow Version (if applicable):
PyTorch Version (if applicable):
Baremetal or Container (if container which image + tag):
Relevant Files
Please attach or include links to any models, data, files, or scripts necessary to reproduce your issue. (Github repo, Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.)
Steps To Reproduce
Please include:
- Exact steps/commands to build your repro
- Exact steps/commands to run your repro
- Full traceback of errors encountered