Test Failed When using Tesla

My system:
Dell Precision T7400
GeForce FX5200
Dual Tesla C870’s

I am having some problems getting the example programs in the SDK to work. I was trying to run the reduction example, and received the following:

gmstrie@akoglu1:~/Desktop/ReductionCuda/NVIDIA_CUDA_SDK/bin/linux/release$ ./reduction
There is no device supporting CUDA.

I then went into the reduction.cu code and replaced CUT_DEVICE_INIT() to cudaSetDevice(1);
but then I got the following when I tried to run the reduction program again with cudaSetDevice() set at 1 and 2:

gmstrie@akoglu1:~/Desktop/ReductionCuda/NVIDIA_CUDA_SDK/bin/linux/release$ ./reduction
1048576 elements
128 threads (max)
64 blocks
Average time: 0.053010 ms
Bandwidth: 79.122897 GB/s

GPU result = 0
CPU result = 524150

After this had failed I ran deviceQuery, and got the following:

gmstrie@akoglu1:~/Desktop/ReductionCuda/NVIDIA_CUDA_SDK/bin/linux/release$ ./deviceQuery
There is no device supporting CUDA.

Device 0: “Device Emulation (CPU)”
Major revision number: -1
Minor revision number: -1
Total amount of global memory: -1 bytes
Total amount of constant memory: 65536 bytes
Total amount of shared memory per block: 16384 bytes
Total number of registers available per block: 8192
Warp size: 32
Maximum number of threads per block: 512
Maximum sizes of each dimension of a block: 512 x 512 x 64
Maximum sizes of each dimension of a grid: 65535 x 65535 x 1
Maximum memory pitch: 262144 bytes
Texture alignment: 256 bytes
Clock rate: 1350000 kilohertz


It is not showing the two Tesla Cards. However, when I go into the X Server All the cards are showing up. GPU 0 is the 5200, GPU 1 is the first Tesla, and GPU 2 is the second Tesla.

I am not sure why the reduction program is failing even when the tesla is specified in the reduction program. Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated.

What versions of Red Hat, the CUDA driver, and the CUDA toolkit are you using?

I am using RedHat Enterprise 5.2 64-bit. The Toolkit is version is 1.1, as well as the SDK and they are 64-bit as well. The driver version is 173.14.09. Also, the system has 2 Quadcore 2.3 GHz processors, and 2GB RAM.

Please generate and attach an nvidia-bug-report.log.