Did anybody have texture binding problem while using CUDA 2.3?
My code is as follows:
texture<unsigned char, 2, cudaReadModeNormalizedFloat> myTex;
cudaArray * g_myTex_array;
unsigned int g_w;
unsigned int g_h;
cudaChannelFormatDesc U8Tex = cudaCreateChannelDesc();
cudaMallocArray(&g_myTex_array, &U8Tex, g_w, g_h);
CUDA_SAFE_CALL(cudaBindTextureToArray(myTex, g_myTex_array));
The last line throws “Cuda error in file test.cu in line 103 : Invalid argument” error message while executing; code compiles fine. I am using Vista, Visual Studio 2008, and Geforce 8600GT.
Really appreciate any suggesssion.