The DeepStream lasted version can not accpet jetson5(in Orin )

the DeepStream lasted version can not accpet jetson5(in Orin )
when i look the deepstream 6.0.0 expain
DeepStream 6.0.1 is a minor release that addresses:

  • Support of JetPack 4.6.1 (including updated compute stack)
  • Compute stack for x86 remains the same as DeepStream 6.0
    This is also the last release based on Ubuntu 18.04

the orin the factory install version is 20.04

Not sure the exact question, do you mean the latest version of DeepStream 4.6.1 is not supported in Jetpack 5.0 DP?
The upcoming DeepStream SDK 6.1 release will support JetPack5.0 Developer Preview.

what time is expected? please

We will publish it once it’s ready, please wait for our announcement.

thanks!!! now using

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