Our configuration is Jetson AGX Xavier DevKit with Camera Board LI-IMX390 by ConnectTech.
We flashed JetPack 4.6. After connected 2 LI-IMX390 cameras to J2 pins 1 and 2, only one LED lit up, which means that they are connected to one deserializer.
However, when we run 2 pipelines with nvarguscamerasrc, the frame timestamps are different.
And from launch to launch, sometimes the difference reaches only 1 ms, sometimes 16ms. Why is that?
We also corrected the nvarguscamerasrc code and get timestamp from iMetadata->getSensorTimestamp() instead of iFrame->getNumber(); but nothing changes.
In the same configuration but in version JetPack 4.4 the timestamps on the cameras are almost the same for example:
How can we synchronize 2 cameras in one serializer? We use this to build the camera disparity. And it is important for us that the timestamps are nearby.
But still use the method iSensorTimestampTsc->getSensorSofTimestampTsc() the timestamps are different for paired cameras.
The difference is from 0ms to 16ms. And when we restart the pipeline, it is always different.