I have troubles with cuda on my xavier-nx 16gb emmc jetpack version 5.1.2 (only system without cuda from sdk image) :
I installed cuda with command
sudo apt-get install nvidia-cuda
in .bashrci add PATH="/usr/local/cuda/bin:$PATH" and LD_LIBRARY_PATH=“/usr/local/cuda/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH”
But then i try used nvcc i get this message: bash: nvcc: command not found
2. Me also need tensorrt sudo apt install nvidia-tensorrt ? or something exotic ?
I guess i miss something.
But next question, so as you know i have limit memory only 16 gb . And i have already deleted by this tutorial: link So nvidia-cuda-dev and tensorrt-dev are necessary package to compile onxx -> engine or it is just plugin with addition function ?
To compile a TensorRT engine, you will need to deploy a possible algorithm (use CUDA, cuBLS, cuDNN, …) on the target.
Although TensorRT supports inference without cuDNN, CUDA is required for conversion and inference.