Can you please advise how we can OTA upgrade devices in the field from Jetpack 3.3 to Jetpack 4.2. ?
Hi SergeiLapin,
Currently installing a new version of JetPack will re-flash the device, however in the future we have plans to move to OTA updates via a debian package server hosted online, but there is no ETA yet.
In the meantime, please refer to below topic if can help:
Hi kayccc,
thank you for the information.
Let me clarify , we are mostly looking for the OTA solution for bootloaders because they are nvidia propriatery and are out of our control - rootfs and the kernel are not a big concern, though kernel has been previously covered by nv_update_engine nvidia OTA solution.
So far, through jetpack 3.3, we have been using nvidia provided OTA nv_update_engine solution, I see it is also present in jetpack 4.2 but it had some changes from 3.3.
Is nv_update_engine OTA functional on jetpack 4.2 L4T 32.1 ?
is jetpack 4.2 nv_update_engine OTA capable and has been verified by nvidia to be able to update bootloaders from jetpack 3.3 to 4.2 ?
does nv_update_engine also update GPT ? it looks like jetpack 4.2 has had partition table changes.
Can you provide more information on the OTA through debian packages ? What exactly is this solution going to be updating ? Is it going to cover bootloaders and the kernel ?
When can you provide ETA for the debian OTA ?
hello SergeiLapin,
according to TX2 Bootloader Update and Redundancy, nv_update_engine is used to control A/B redundancy.
however, we’ll investigate this internally and get back to you.
hello SergeiLapin,
please also refer to Topic 1049466 to do the trick if you would like to upgrade from JetPack-3.3 to JetPack-4.2.
Has there been any updates on how we can OTA upgrade from Jetpack 3.3 to Jetpack 4.2?
hello kousuke,
since there’re partition changes from JetPack-3.3 to JetPack-4.4, you should perform flash script to re-flash the board for updates.
Sorry for reviving this thread over one year of hiatus, but problem is still valid and persists.
Reason for revival is that there is really need for this OTA upgrade for older Jetpacks.
As mentioned previously, there’re partition changes from JetPack-3.3 to JetPack-4.4, you should perform flash script to re-flash the board for updates.