That looks like you might have some issues with your network, are you behind a proxy or perhaps your DNS isn’t configured correctly? It seems to resolve to an IPv6 address, perhaps that can also influence your results
I’ve been running an ad blocker through a Raspberry Pi for half a year or so. I don’t encounter many blocked sites that I actually need, and in any event there’s a whitelist for exceptions. I added to that list, but apt stilll doesn’t connect, even though I can navigate to that site in a browser.
In any event I reconfigured the router to bypass the ad blocker, and I’m getting the same (non) results.
I also have 4 Raspberry Pis running stretch and an Odroid N2 running Ubuntu, and I’ve never encountered this problem (apt update) with any update with them through the ad blocker.
“Error on line 158 char 17:odd character ‘&’, expected an quote mark after equals sign when giving valve for attribute ‘name’ of element ‘key’. this entire file has ignored”
On my installation, ‘’‘nmcli connection show’‘’ keys for my Ethernet and WiFi connections list. However, /org/gnome/settings-daemon/plugins/sharing/ has no /vino-server/enabled directory. Is there a way to use the Gui to add the Name UUID data?
I managed to get vino working, what a joke. Vino is unusably slow and pointless.
Can anyone give specific instructions for getting a usable RDP working on the NVidia tx2? It would be nice if it worked with the windows rdp client as thats reliable, proven and works great.
For those people who can stand the sluggish (but usable) built-in Shared Desktop approach, full working instructions to move to a headless remote display setup are here:
Works well enough for me so that I don’t have to sit in a room on my own listening to my Nano case’s fan when it’s working hard, or have to cart around the Nano, keyboard, mouse, monitor and cables to use it elsewhere.