I try to change default configuration (Serial Port Configuration) of NVIDIA Resource Configuration (UEFI bootloader) during the flash (not from NVIDIA Resource Configuration menu). Just to illustrate what I’m trying to achieve I attach image of desired config.
I’m able to build uefi bootloader from GitHub - NVIDIA/edk2-nvidia: NVIDIA EDK2 platform support and flash new bootloader version with sudo ./flash.sh -r -k cpu-bootloader jetson-xavier-nx-devkit-emmc mmcblk0p1
During the boot I’m able to see that new uefi bootloader is present, so it seems like everything is working correctly.
After that I tried to change default value of config SerialPortConfig (VariableList · NVIDIA/edk2-nvidia Wiki · GitHub). I tried to modify line gNVIDIATokenSpaceGuid.PcdSerialPortConfig|L"SerialPortConfig"|gNVIDIATokenSpaceGuid|0x0|0|BS,NV
in file Jetson.dsc.inc (edk2-nvidia/Jetson.dsc.inc at rel-35 · NVIDIA/edk2-nvidia · GitHub), to match my desired config.
Also I tried to add my desired configuration to this device tree overlay:
(edk2-nvidia/L4TConfiguration.dts at rel-35 · NVIDIA/edk2-nvidia · GitHub)
Built was again successful, I copied generated files to Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader (namely: BOOTAA64.efi, L4TConfiguration.dtbo, L4TRootfsInfo.dtbo, uefi_jetson.bin). But after bootloader flash, I can see new bootloader build, but the config is not changed.
Are you able to assist me with modifications to GitHub - NVIDIA/edk2-nvidia: NVIDIA EDK2 platform support (or some other modifications) which I need to make to be able to change Serial Port Configuration to disable, during the flash?