编译 UEFI 时失败

执行 Build without docker · NVIDIA/edk2-nvidia Wiki · GitHub 中的教程,并开始编译时,出现了错误,最终提示如下:

INFO - Build end time: 09:08:21, Jul.23 2024
INFO - Build total time: 00:00:43
INFO - ------------------------------------------------
INFO - --------------Cmd Output Finished---------------
INFO - --------- Running Time (mm:ss): 00:43 ----------
INFO - ----------- Return Code: 0x00000001 ------------
INFO - ------------------------------------------------
ERROR - Compiler #7000 from : Failed to execute command
ERROR - Compiler #7000 from : Failed to execute command
ERROR - EDK2 #002 from : Failed to build module
CRITICAL - Build failed
PROGRESS - End time: 2024-07-23 09:08:22.373737	 Total time Elapsed: 0:00:44
SECTION - Log file is located at: /home/testpc/Desktop/nvidia-uefi/Build/BUILDLOG_Jetson.txt
SECTION - Summary
ERROR - Error

完整的日志详见附件:error_log.txt (443.1 KB)。以上,我该如何修复。

Hi 1930920921,

ERROR - edk2-acpica-iasl is host specific, but does not appear to have support for Host(os='Linux', arch='ARM', bit='64').

Are you using x86 Ubuntu host PC to build the UEFI binary?

我正在使用 Jetson AGX Orin 32GB 的板载设备实施上述编译,系统为 jetpack v6.0 安装的 Ubuntu 22.04 ARM64 系统。

Could you run that on X86 Ubuntu host PC?
You would still need a host PC to flash your board.

如果我自己修改了 UEFI 中的一些素材文件,是否也需要烧录?如果需要烧录,我当前 jetson 系统盘里的文件是否会丢失?

You can just flash the bootloader partition to update UEFI only.


Please run the following command to update bootloader partition only.

$ sudo ./flash.sh -r -k A_cpu-bootloader jetson-agx-orin-devkit internal
$ sudo ./flash.sh -r -k B_cpu-bootloader jetson-agx-orin-devkit internal

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