Unable to install Nvidia Modulus on REDHAT7.7

I’m trying to install nvidia module on linux redhat machine and following below instructions

The installation guide can be found in Installation — Modulus 22.09 documentation

I’m getting the error while loading the modulus_image_vxx.xx.tar.gz. Please suggest


docker load -i modulus_image_v22.09.tar.gz

symlink …/c37e8281a6d7a8a129b2208d3bbe1d474bac6beb50270d420188c63be383b7a4/diff /var/lib/docker/overlay2/l/6PWD4ZLMOXXVIOWY7GGMPWR6ZQ: no such file or directory

Note: Docker already installed on this machine

which docker


/usr/bin/docker --version

Docker version 20.10.17, build 100c701

Hi @chandusoft028

Sorry this isn’t working for you. We don’t test on RedHat so we aren’t able to capture these issues at the moment.

Are you able to run the PyTorch 22.08-py3 container from NGC (This is the base image of Modulus)? If for some reason that works and the Modulus one does not, you could consider a bare metal install or build a container from scratch without PySDF modifying the dockerfile.