I’m working in a custom board with 2 USB 2.0 and 2 USB 3.0.
I’m following the “Platform Adaptation and Bring-UP Guide” and on page 18 it says: “For the detailed information about xusb_padctl, refer to the documentation at:
But on latest source code download from https://developer.download.nvidia.com/embedded/L4T/r32-2-1_Release_v1.0/TX2-AGX/Sources/public_sources.tbz2?C5desH2W1q5ZA0zvPN0d8J_Iu35nex-TMh8B_63QczhpjYfOd6Mi06rIjyAbXwe2BpKTxCfTeQ8RFh-dapVE1ihW0wxb17I3sLHjTYEO5GQ8Cl-tYFyIOJMnecop305B3sKjpV1hrL1lAOdHg1DlN7tKfM3xwEBnLfeFr9qC_LmdzSo7
this file doesn’t exist.
Can you send it to me?
Can you guide me to turn theses interfaces UP?
I’m sending the design USB schematics.
Obs. I’m using L4T R32.2.1