USDRT Scenegraph is impossible to include in C++ code

I have a question about the newly added USDRT Scenegraph API, which is a part of the Omniverse Kit.

It’s downloadable and contains .dll, .lib and some .h as C++ headers file but I’m unable to use them because they try to include some core files which are not included in Omniverse Kit yet.

Here’s an example:

file “NVIDIA/pkg/kit-104.0.0/extscore/usdrt.scenegraph/include/usdrt/scenegraph/usd/usd/impl/usd_decl.h”

line 15:

include <omni/core/IObject.h>

There is no ‘omni/core’ directory in the include directory, only “omni/gpucompute”, “omni/graph” and “omni/math”.

And I’m unable to locate “IObject.h” in any subdirectory of “kit-104”.

It’s not the only include which is undetectable, so I think that I don’t have some omni::core files. Is there a possibility to obtain them?

With some help I was able to discover this:

The missing headers here:

I have two further questions:

  • Is there a public repository to download all header files from? Or the only way to obtain them is to copy listings from documentation?

  • Some files are still missing from documentation, but are in listings. For example, carb/Types.h on line 14 tries to include Strong.h, which I’m unable to find.

I’m also unable to locate files carb/CarbWindows.h, carb/cpp20/Atomic.h, carb/Version.h, omni/core/VariadicMicroUtils.h . I haven’t explored further but I’m afraid there could be more of such files.

Can you please help me with this?

Hi @kshnyrev. You actually want to start with the C++ template that we provide: GitHub - NVIDIA-Omniverse/kit-extension-template-cpp: Omniverse Kit C++ Extension Template. That will bootstrap Carbonite so that you have all of the dependencies.

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