Can't find C++ SDK

Trying to create an omnigraph C++ node following the docs (OmniGraph — Omniverse Extensions latest documentation) but can’t seem to locate it

Tried reinstalling/searching for packages as well. Any guidance here?

We held back releasing OmniGraph on launch so we can iron a few things out first. It will be coming soon.

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Yes, C++ node writing is coming soon. Python node writing is ready to try out though:

It has been nearly two years now. Any news on this?

Btw.: there is an “OmniGraph C++ Examples” extension (omni.graph.examples.cpp), but when I open it, there is not a even a single cpp file in it, also no build logic of any kind as far as I can see.

The guide here is also a mystery to me: OGN User Guide — kit-sdk 103.1 documentation
There is a lot of cpp files there but no documentation on setting up a build environment, apart from a strange “conversion” guide based on some initial state that is unknown to me.
It would be very nice to have a practical example (Ubuntu Focal here).


Hi @arne.jacobs. I’m checking in with the team to get the current state of things. I’ll let you know.

Hi @arne.jacobs. The dev team has some examples ready and it’s awaiting release. “Very soon” is the best timeline I can give you. :)

Thanks, at least that’s a step forward from “soon” ;-).

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