vi got error when capturing frames

I transported driver of nvp6324 to tegracam framework, but got errors when capturing frames:

misc tegra_camera_ctrl: tegra_camera_update_isobw: Warning, Requested ISO BW 1476562 has been capped to VI’s max BW 1000000
[ 213.877749] [RCE] vi5_hwinit: firmware CL2018101701 protocol version 2.2
[ 214.089721] tegra194-vi5 corr_err: discarding frame 65517, flags: 0, err_data 512
[ 214.114091] tegra194-vi5 corr_err: discarding frame 0, flags: 32, err_data 162
[ 214.175388] tegra194-vi5 corr_err: discarding frame 0, flags: 112, err_data 10486370
[ 214.189587] tegra194-vi5 corr_err: discarding frame 65326, flags: 0, err_data 512
[ 214.189817] tegra194-vi5 corr_err: discarding frame 65456, flags: 0, err_data 512
[ 214.342068] tegra194-vi5 corr_err: discarding frame 0, flags: 112, err_data 10486370
[ 214.380806] tegra194-vi5 corr_err: discarding frame 0, flags: 32, err_data 162
[ 214.389569] tegra194-vi5 corr_err: discarding frame 65429, flags: 0, err_data 512
[ 214.389777] tegra194-vi5 corr_err: discarding frame 57270, flags: 0, err_data 512
[ 214.441917] tegra194-vi5 corr_err: discarding frame 0, flags: 112, err_data 10486370
[ 214.513957] tegra194-vi5 corr_err: discarding frame 0, flags: 32, err_data 162
[ 214.522937] tegra194-vi5 corr_err: discarding frame 57273, flags: 0, err_data 512
[ 214.523148] tegra194-vi5 corr_err: discarding frame 65434, flags: 0, err_data 512
[ 214.575257] tegra194-vi5 corr_err: discarding frame 0, flags: 112, err_data 10486370
[ 214.680464] tegra194-vi5 corr_err: discarding frame 0, flags: 32, err_data 162
[ 214.689778] tegra194-vi5 corr_err: discarding frame 180, flags: 0, err_data 512
[ 214.689985] tegra194-vi5 corr_err: discarding frame 65471, flags: 0, err_data 512
[ 214.741897] tegra194-vi5 corr_err: discarding frame 0, flags: 112, err_data 10486370
[ 214.780521] tegra194-vi5 corr_err: discarding frame 0, flags: 32, err_data 162
[ 214.789758] tegra194-vi5 corr_err: discarding frame 57281, flags: 0, err_data 512
[ 214.789935] tegra194-vi5 corr_err: discarding frame 65506, flags: 0, err_data 512
[ 214.838117] tegra194-vi5 corr_err: discarding frame 0, flags: 32, err_data 162
[ 214.842009] tegra194-vi5 corr_err: discarding frame 0, flags: 32, err_data 546
[ 214.842237] tegra194-vi5 corr_err: discarding frame 0, flags: 0, err_data 131072
[ 214.980719] tegra194-vi5 corr_err: discarding frame 0, flags: 32, err_data 162
[ 215.104683] tegra194-vi5 corr_err: discarding frame 0, flags: 160, err_data 162
[ 215.142007] tegra194-vi5 corr_err: discarding frame 0, flags: 240, err_data 10486370
[ 215.180412] tegra194-vi5 corr_err: discarding frame 0, flags: 160, err_data 162
[ 215.241886] tegra194-vi5 corr_err: discarding frame 0, flags: 240, err_data 10486370
[ 215.408582] tegra194-vi5 corr_err: discarding frame 0, flags: 32, err_data 546
[ 215.447404] tegra194-vi5 corr_err: discarding frame 0, flags: 160, err_data 162
[ 215.508580] tegra194-vi5 corr_err: discarding frame 0, flags: 240, err_data 10486370
[ 215.580467] tegra194-vi5 corr_err: discarding frame 0, flags: 160, err_data 162
[ 215.641857] tegra194-vi5 corr_err: discarding frame 0, flags: 240, err_data 10486370
[ 215.841232] tegra194-vi5 corr_err: discarding frame 0, flags: 160, err_data 162
[ 215.841896] tegra194-vi5 corr_err: discarding frame 0, flags: 32, err_data 546
[ 215.875176] tegra194-vi5 corr_err: discarding frame 0, flags: 160, err_data 162
[ 215.878608] tegra194-vi5 corr_err: discarding frame 0, flags: 32, err_data 162
[ 215.941901] tegra194-vi5 corr_err: discarding frame 0, flags: 240, err_data 10486370
[ 215.980512] tegra194-vi5 corr_err: discarding frame 0, flags: 160, err_data 162
[ 216.080416] tegra194-vi5 corr_err: discarding frame 0, flags: 160, err_data 162
[ 216.113799] tegra194-vi5 corr_err: discarding frame 0, flags: 160, err_data 162
[ 216.175193] tegra194-vi5 corr_err: discarding frame 0, flags: 240, err_data 10486370
[ 216.207838] tegra194-vi5 corr_err: discarding frame 0, flags: 160, err_data 162
[ 216.213778] tegra194-vi5 corr_err: discarding frame 0, flags: 32, err_data 162
[ 216.241878] tegra194-vi5 corr_err: discarding frame 0, flags: 160, err_data 162
[ 216.275226] tegra194-vi5 corr_err: discarding frame 0, flags: 240, err_data 10486370
[ 216.347165] tegra194-vi5 corr_err: discarding frame 0, flags: 160, err_data 162
[ 216.380622] tegra194-vi5 corr_err: discarding frame 0, flags: 160, err_data 162
[ 216.441866] tegra194-vi5 corr_err: discarding frame 0, flags: 240, err_data 10486370
[ 216.580344] tegra194-vi5 corr_err: discarding frame 0, flags: 160, err_data 162
[ 216.641854] tegra194-vi5 corr_err: discarding frame 0, flags: 240, err_data 10486370
[ 216.780614] tegra194-vi5 corr_err: discarding frame 0, flags: 160, err_data 162
[ 219.373730] tegra194-vi5 no reply from camera processor
[ 219.373907] tegra194-vi5 uncorr_err: request timed out after 2500 ms
[ 219.374048] tegra194-vi5 err_rec: attempting to reset the capture channel
[ 219.377436] tegra194-vi5 unexpected response from camera processor
[ 219.377619] tegra194-vi5 vi capture setup failed
[ 219.377815] tegra194-vi5 fatal: error recovery failed

Here is my dtsi:

/ {
host1x {
vi@15c10000 {
num-channels = <1>;
ports {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
port@0 {
reg = <0>;
nvp6324_vi_in0: endpoint {
port-index = <2>;
bus-width = <2>;
remote-endpoint = <&nvp6324_csi_out0>;

	nvcsi@15a00000 {
		num-channels = <1>;
		#address-cells = <1>;
		#size-cells = <0>;
		channel@0 {
			reg = <0>;
			ports {
				#address-cells = <1>;
				#size-cells = <0>;
				port@0 {
					reg = <0>;
					nvp6324_csi_in0: endpoint@0 {
						port-index = <2>;
						bus-width = <2>;
						remote-endpoint = <&linvp6324_nvp6324_out0>;
				port@1 {
					reg = <1>;
					nvp6324_csi_out0: endpoint@1 {
						remote-endpoint = <&nvp6324_vi_in0>;

i2c@3180000 {
	ov5693_c@31 {
		compatible = "nextchip,nvp6324_mipi";
		/* I2C device address */
		reg = <0x31>;

		/* V4L2 device node location */
		devnode = "video0";

		/* ie. clocks, io pins, power sources */
		/* mclk-index indicates the index of the */
		/* mclk-name with in the clock-names array */

		clocks = <&bpmp_clks TEGRA194_CLK_EXTPERIPH1>,
				 <&bpmp_clks TEGRA194_CLK_PLLP_OUT0>;
		clock-names = "extperiph1", "pllp_grtba";
		mclk = "extperiph1";
		clock-frequency = <27000000>;
		//reset-gpios = <&tegra_main_gpio CAM0_RST_L GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
		//pwdn-gpios = <&tegra_main_gpio CAM0_PWDN GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
		//vana-supply = <&p2822_avdd_cam_2v8>;
		//vif-supply = <&p2822_vdd_1v8_cvb>;

		/* Sensor output flip settings */
		//vertical-flip = "true";

		* A modeX node is required to support v4l2 driver
		* implementation with NVIDIA camera software stack
		* mclk_khz = "";
		* Standard MIPI driving clock, typically 24MHz
		* num_lanes = "";
		* Number of lane channels sensor is programmed to output
		* tegra_sinterface = "";
		* The base tegra serial interface lanes are connected to
		* Incase of virtual HW devices, use virtual
		* For SW emulated devices, use host
		* phy_mode = "";
		* PHY mode used by the MIPI lanes for this device
		* discontinuous_clk = "";
		* The sensor is programmed to use a discontinuous clock on MIPI lanes
		* dpcm_enable = "true";
		* The sensor is programmed to use a DPCM modes
		* cil_settletime = "";
		* MIPI lane settle time value.
		* A "0" value attempts to autocalibrate based on mclk_multiplier
		* active_w = "";
		* Pixel active region width
		* active_h = "";
		* Pixel active region height
		* pixel_t = "";
		* The sensor readout pixel pattern
		* readout_orientation = "0";
		* Based on camera module orientation.
		* Only change readout_orientation if you specifically
		* Program a different readout order for this mode
		* line_length = "";
		* Pixel line length (width) for sensor mode.
		* This is used to calibrate features in our camera stack.
		* mclk_multiplier = "";
		* Multiplier to MCLK to help time hardware capture sequence
		* TODO: Assign to PLL_Multiplier as well until fixed in core
		* pix_clk_hz = "";
		* Sensor pixel clock used for calculations like exposure and framerate
		* inherent_gain = "";
		* Gain obtained inherently from mode (ie. pixel binning)
		* == Source Control Settings ==
		* Gain factor used to convert fixed point integer to float
		* Gain range [min_gain/gain_factor, max_gain/gain_factor]
		* Gain step [step_gain/gain_factor is the smallest step that can be configured]
		* Default gain [Default gain to be initialized for the control.
		*     use min_gain_val as default for optimal results]
		* Framerate factor used to convert fixed point integer to float
		* Framerate range [min_framerate/framerate_factor, max_framerate/framerate_factor]
		* Framerate step [step_framerate/framerate_factor is the smallest step that can be configured]
		* Default Framerate [Default framerate to be initialized for the control.
		*     use max_framerate to get required performance]
		* Exposure factor used to convert fixed point integer to float
		* For convenience use 1 sec = 1000000us as conversion factor
		* Exposure range [min_exp_time/exposure_factor, max_exp_time/exposure_factor]
		* Exposure step [step_exp_time/exposure_factor is the smallest step that can be configured]
		* Default Exposure Time [Default exposure to be initialized for the control.
		*     Set default exposure based on the default_framerate for optimal exposure settings]
		* gain_factor = ""; (integer factor used for floating to fixed point conversion)
		* min_gain_val = ""; (ceil to integer)
		* max_gain_val = ""; (ceil to integer)
		* step_gain_val = ""; (ceil to integer)
		* default_gain = ""; (ceil to integer)
		* Gain limits for mode
		* exposure_factor = ""; (integer factor used for floating to fixed point conversion)
		* min_exp_time = ""; (ceil to integer)
		* max_exp_time = ""; (ceil to integer)
		* step_exp_time = ""; (ceil to integer)
		* default_exp_time = ""; (ceil to integer)
		* Exposure Time limits for mode (us)
		* min_hdr_ratio = "";
		* max_hdr_ratio = "";
		* HDR Ratio limits for mode
		* framerate_factor = ""; (integer factor used for floating to fixed point conversion)
		* min_framerate = "";
		* max_framerate = "";
		* step_framerate = ""; (ceil to integer)
		* default_framerate = ""; (ceil to integer)
		* Framerate limits for mode (fps)
		mode0 { // nvp6324_MODE_1280*720
			mclk_khz = "27000";
			num_lanes = "2";
			tegra_sinterface = "serial_c";
			phy_mode = "DPHY";
			discontinuous_clk = "no";
			dpcm_enable = "false";
			cil_settletime = "0";

			active_w = "1280";
			active_h = "720";
			mode_type = "yuv";
			pixel_phase = "uyvy";
			csi_pixel_bit_depth = "16";
			readout_orientation = "0";
			line_length = "1800";
			inherent_gain = "1";
			mclk_multiplier = "28";
			pix_clk_hz = "756000000";

			gain_factor = "10";
			min_gain_val = "10";/* 1DB*/
			max_gain_val = "160";/* 16DB*/
			step_gain_val = "1";
			default_gain = "10";
			min_hdr_ratio = "1";
			max_hdr_ratio = "1";
			framerate_factor = "1000000";
			min_framerate = "1816577";/*1.816577 */
			max_framerate = "30000000";/*30*/
			step_framerate = "1";
			default_framerate = "30000000";
			exposure_factor = "1000000";
			min_exp_time = "34";/* us */
			max_exp_time = "550385";/* us */
			step_exp_time = "1";
			default_exp_time = "33334";/* us */
			embedded_metadata_height = "0";

		ports {
			#address-cells = <1>;
			#size-cells = <0>;

			port@0 {
				reg = <0>;
				linvp6324_nvp6324_out0: endpoint {
					port-index = <2>;
					bus-width = <2>;
					remote-endpoint = <&nvp6324_csi_in0>;

tegra-camera-platform {
	compatible = "nvidia, tegra-camera-platform";
	* Physical settings to calculate max ISO BW
	* num_csi_lanes = <>;
	* Total number of CSI lanes when all cameras are active
	* max_lane_speed = <>;
	* Max lane speed in Kbit/s
	* min_bits_per_pixel = <>;
	* Min bits per pixel
	* vi_peak_byte_per_pixel = <>;
	* Max byte per pixel for the VI ISO case
	* vi_bw_margin_pct = <>;
	* Vi bandwidth margin in percentage
	* max_pixel_rate = <>;
	* Max pixel rate in Kpixel/s for the ISP ISO case
	* isp_peak_byte_per_pixel = <>;
	* Max byte per pixel for the ISP ISO case
	* isp_bw_margin_pct = <>;
	* Isp bandwidth margin in percentage
	num_csi_lanes = <2>;
	max_lane_speed = <1500000>;
	min_bits_per_pixel = <8>;
	vi_peak_byte_per_pixel = <2>;
	vi_bw_margin_pct = <25>;
	max_pixel_rate = <160000>;
	isp_peak_byte_per_pixel = <5>;
	isp_bw_margin_pct = <25>;

	* The general guideline for naming badge_info contains 3 parts, and is as follows,
	* The first part is the camera_board_id for the module; if the module is in a FFD
	* platform, then use the platform name for this part.
	* The second part contains the position of the module, ex. 鈥渞ear鈥?or 鈥渇ront鈥?
	* The third part contains the last 6 characters of a part number which is found
	* in the module's specsheet from the vender.
	modules {
		module0 {
			badge = "nvp6324_bottom_mipi31";
			position = "front";
			orientation = "0";
			drivernode0 {
				/* Declare PCL support driver (classically known as guid)  */
				pcl_id = "v4l2_sensor";
				/* Driver v4l2 device name */
				devname = "nvp6324_v1 2-0031";
				/* Declare the device-tree hierarchy to driver instance */
				proc-device-tree = "/proc/device-tree/i2c@3180000/nvp6324@31";


Could you check the trace log?

after I did these below:

To enable logs from user-space for more details
sudo su
kill the process of argus_daemon/nvargus-daemon or nvcamera-daemon 
export enableCamPclLogs=5
export enableCamScfLogs=5
/usr/sbin/argus_daemon(nvargus-daemon)      option for argus
/usr/sbin/nvcamera-daemon   option for gst-launch
launch camera from another console
To enable trace for more information
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/tracing_on
echo 30720 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/buffer_size_kb
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/tegra_rtcpu/enable
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/freertos/enable
echo 2 > /sys/kernel/debug/camrtc/log-level
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/camera_common/enable
echo > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace
cat /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace

I got:
root@nvidia-xavier:/home/hitron/hitron/firmware# cat /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace

tracer: nop

entries-in-buffer/entries-written: 35/35 #P:8

_-----=> irqs-off

/ _----=> need-resched

| / _—=> hardirq/softirq

|| / _–=> preempt-depth

||| / delay


| | | |||| | |

 kworker/0:2-1296  [000] ....   259.974862: rtos_queue_peek_from_isr_failed: tstamp:8322429346 queue:0x0bcbcf78
 kworker/0:2-1296  [000] ....   260.142869: rtos_queue_peek_from_isr_failed: tstamp:8327429353 queue:0x0bcbcf78
 kworker/0:2-1296  [000] ....   260.310838: rtos_queue_peek_from_isr_failed: tstamp:8332429344 queue:0x0bcbcf78
 kworker/0:2-1296  [000] ....   260.422925: rtos_queue_peek_from_isr_failed: tstamp:8337429344 queue:0x0bcbcf78
 kworker/0:2-1296  [000] ....   260.590895: rtos_queue_peek_from_isr_failed: tstamp:8342429342 queue:0x0bcbcf78
 kworker/0:2-1296  [000] ....   260.758834: rtos_queue_peek_from_isr_failed: tstamp:8347429342 queue:0x0bcbcf78

[b]then v4l2-ctl --set-fmt-video=width=1280,height=720,pixelformat=UYVY --stream-mmap --stream-count=100 -d /dev/video0

the error log:[/b]
[ 343.898810] misc tegra_camera_ctrl: tegra_camera_update_isobw: Warning, Requested ISO BW 1476562 has been capped to VI’s max BW 1000000
[ 343.977610] [RCE] Configuring VI GoS.
[ 343.977944] [RCE] VM GOS[#0] addr=0xe4900000
[ 343.978473] [RCE] VM GOS[#1] addr=0xe4901000
[ 343.978484] [RCE] VM GOS[#2] addr=0xe4902000
[ 343.978494] [RCE] VM GOS[#3] addr=0xe4903000
[ 343.978503] [RCE] VM GOS[#4] addr=0xe4904000
[ 343.978513] [RCE] VM GOS[#5] addr=0xe4905000
[ 344.091916] [RCE] vi5_hwinit: firmware CL2018101701 protocol version 2.2
[ 344.148467] [RCE] VI GOS[#0] set to VM GOS[4] base 0xe4904000
[ 344.428930] [RCE] ERROR: heartbeat-task.c:97 [heartbeat_wdt_fiq_callback] “WDT irq died. RCE in bad state.”
[ 344.580151] tegra186-cam-rtcpu bc00000.rtcpu: Alert: Camera RTCPU gone bad! restoring it immediately!!
[ 346.651741] tegra194-vi5 no reply from camera processor
[ 346.651943] tegra194-vi5 uncorr_err: request timed out after 2500 ms
[ 346.652120] tegra194-vi5 err_rec: attempting to reset the capture channel
[ 346.652404] tegra194-vi5 vi_capture_release: control failed, errno 1
[ 346.654113] tegra194-vi5 unexpected response from camera processor
[ 346.654297] tegra194-vi5 vi capture setup failed
[ 346.654440] tegra194-vi5 fatal: error recovery failed
[ 346.667657] [RCE] vi5_hwinit: firmware CL2018101701 protocol version 2.2

The trace tell didn’t receive any validate data from the MIPI bus. You may need to probe to make sure of it.

after I start to capture video,
I got this:

kworker/0:4-2262 [000] … 119.278722: rtcpu_nvcsi_intr: tstamp:3925845007 class:CORRECTABLE_ERR type:STREAM_VC phy:0 cil:0 st:2 vc:8 status:0x0000000a
kworker/0:4-2262 [000] … 119.278722: rtcpu_nvcsi_intr: tstamp:3925845007 class:CORRECTABLE_ERR type:STREAM_VC phy:0 cil:0 st:2 vc:15 status:0x0000000a
kworker/0:4-2262 [000] … 119.278722: rtcpu_nvcsi_intr: tstamp:3925846232 class:GLOBAL type:STREAM_NOVC phy:0 cil:0 st:2 vc:0 status:0x00000001
kworker/0:4-2262 [000] … 119.278723: rtcpu_nvcsi_intr: tstamp:3925846232 class:GLOBAL type:STREAM_VC phy:0 cil:0 st:2 vc:1 status:0x0000000a
kworker/0:4-2262 [000] … 119.278723: rtcpu_nvcsi_intr: tstamp:3925846232 class:GLOBAL type:STREAM_VC phy:0 cil:0 st:2 vc:8 status:0x0000000a
kworker/0:4-2262 [000] … 119.278724: rtcpu_nvcsi_intr: tstamp:3925846232 class:GLOBAL type:STREAM_VC phy:0 cil:0 st:2 vc:15 status:0x0000000a
kworker/0:4-2262 [000] … 119.278725: rtcpu_nvcsi_intr: tstamp:3925846232 class:CORRECTABLE_ERR type:STREAM_NOVC phy:0 cil:0 st:2 vc:0 status:0x00000001
kworker/0:4-2262 [000] … 119.278725: rtcpu_nvcsi_intr: tstamp:3925846232 class:CORRECTABLE_ERR type:STREAM_VC phy:0 cil:0 st:2 vc:1 status:0x0000000a
kworker/0:4-2262 [000] … 119.278726: rtcpu_nvcsi_intr: tstamp:3925846232 class:CORRECTABLE_ERR type:STREAM_VC phy:0 cil:0 st:2 vc:8 status:0x0000000a
kworker/0:4-2262 [000] … 119.278726: rtcpu_nvcsi_intr: tstamp:3925846232 class:CORRECTABLE_ERR type:STREAM_VC phy:0 cil:0 st:2 vc:15 status:0x0000000a
kworker/0:4-2262 [000] … 119.278726: rtcpu_nvcsi_intr: tstamp:3925847774 class:GLOBAL type:STREAM_NOVC phy:0 cil:0 st:2 vc:0 status:0x00000001
kworker/0:4-2262 [000] … 119.278727: rtcpu_nvcsi_intr: tstamp:3925847774 class:GLOBAL type:STREAM_VC phy:0 cil:0 st:2 vc:1 status:0x0000000a
kworker/0:4-2262 [000] … 119.278727: rtcpu_nvcsi_intr: tstamp:3925847774 class:GLOBAL type:STREAM_VC phy:0 cil:0 st:2 vc:8 status:0x0000000a
kworker/0:4-2262 [000] … 119.278727: rtcpu_nvcsi_intr: tstamp:3925847774 class:GLOBAL type:STREAM_VC phy:0 cil:0 st:2 vc:15 status:0x0000000a
kworker/0:4-2262 [000] … 119.278728: rtcpu_nvcsi_intr: tstamp:3925847774 class:CORRECTABLE_ERR type:STREAM_NOVC phy:0 cil:0 st:2 vc:0 status:0x00000001

The REG NVCSI_STREAM_0_CORRECTABLE_ERR_INTR_STATUS_NOVC_0 tell err_intr_stat_ph_ecc_multi_bit_err: packet header multi-bit ECC error.

kworker/0:4-2262 [000] … 119.278726: rtcpu_nvcsi_intr: tstamp:3925847774 class:GLOBAL type:STREAM_NOVC phy:0 cil:0 st:2 vc:0 status:0x00000001

[b]thank you,

I tried the solution:[/b]

Can try disable the ECC check.

diff --git a/drivers/media/platform/tegra/camera/csi/csi4_fops.c b/drivers/media/platform/tegra/camera/csi/csi4_fops.c
index 0377d7b..b3d01d3 100644
--- a/drivers/media/platform/tegra/camera/csi/csi4_fops.c
+++ b/drivers/media/platform/tegra/camera/csi/csi4_fops.c
@@ -76,8 +76,18 @@ static void csi4_stream_init(struct tegra_csi_channel *chan, int port_num)
        csi4_stream_write(chan, port_num, INTR_STATUS, 0x3ffff);
        csi4_stream_write(chan, port_num, ERR_INTR_STATUS, 0x7ffff);
        csi4_stream_write(chan, port_num, ERROR_STATUS2VI_MASK, 0x0);
-       csi4_stream_write(chan, port_num, INTR_MASK, 0x0);
-       csi4_stream_write(chan, port_num, ERR_INTR_MASK, 0x0);
+       csi4_stream_write(chan, port_num, INTR_MASK, PH_ECC_MULTI_BIT_ERR |
+                       PD_CRC_ERR_VC0 | PH_ECC_SINGLE_BIT_ERR_VC0);
+       csi4_stream_write(chan, port_num, ERR_INTR_MASK, PH_ECC_MULTI_BIT_ERR |
+                       PD_CRC_ERR_VC0 | PH_ECC_SINGLE_BIT_ERR_VC0);
+       csi4_stream_write(chan, port_num, ERROR_STATUS2VI_MASK,
+                       CFG_ERR_STATUS2VI_MASK_VC0 |
+                       CFG_ERR_STATUS2VI_MASK_VC1 |
+                       CFG_ERR_STATUS2VI_MASK_VC2 |
+                       CFG_ERR_STATUS2VI_MASK_VC3);

but it seems not work!

Our hardware connection:

CSI2 is connectted by two video output, each has 1 data lane.

video 0 → csi2 lane0
video 1 → csi2 lane1
video 2 → csi3 lane0
video 3 → csi3 lane1

I only enabled 1 channel video0 currently, but can this solution work?

That patch is for TX2, You need to check if have the same REG for csi5_fops.c

Looks like not correct. Have a check the design guide and below like maybe help.

thanks for your reply,I removed the hardware connection:

video 0 → csi2 lane0
video 1 → csi2 lane1
video 2 → csi3 lane0
video 3 → csi3 lane1

And I got the different error log from trace, would you please help me to understand it:
kworker/0:0-4 [000] … 182.400274: rtcpu_nvcsi_intr: tstamp:5898103257 class:GLOBAL type:PHY_INTR0 phy:1 cil:0 st:0 vc:0 status:0x10000004
kworker/0:0-4 [000] … 182.400274: rtcpu_nvcsi_intr: tstamp:5898103257 class:CORRECTABLE_ERR type:PHY_INTR phy:1 cil:0 st:0 vc:0 status:0x00001004
kworker/0:0-4 [000] … 182.400274: rtcpu_nvcsi_intr: tstamp:5898103769 class:GLOBAL type:PHY_INTR0 phy:1 cil:0 st:0 vc:0 status:0x00000004
kworker/0:0-4 [000] … 182.400274: rtcpu_nvcsi_intr: tstamp:5898103769 class:CORRECTABLE_ERR type:PHY_INTR phy:1 cil:0 st:0 vc:0 status:0x00000004
kworker/0:0-4 [000] … 182.400275: rtcpu_nvcsi_intr: tstamp:5898104284 class:GLOBAL type:PHY_INTR0 phy:1 cil:0 st:0 vc:0 status:0x10000004
kworker/0:0-4 [000] … 182.400275: rtcpu_nvcsi_intr: tstamp:5898104284 class:CORRECTABLE_ERR type:PHY_INTR phy:1 cil:0 st:0 vc:0 status:0x00001004
kworker/0:0-4 [000] … 182.400275: rtcpu_nvcsi_intr: tstamp:5898104796 class:GLOBAL type:PHY_INTR0 phy:1 cil:0 st:0 vc:0 status:0x10000004
kworker/0:0-4 [000] … 182.400275: rtcpu_nvcsi_intr: tstamp:5898104796 class:CORRECTABLE_ERR type:PHY_INTR phy:1 cil:0 st:0 vc:0 status:0x00001004
kworker/0:0-4 [000] … 182.400275: rtcpu_nvcsi_intr: tstamp:5898105311 class:GLOBAL type:PHY_INTR0 phy:1 cil:0 st:0 vc:0 status:0x10000004

It could be the lane configure problem. Have a check the TRM for the REG “NVCSI_PHY_0_CILA_INTR_0_STATUS_CILA_0”

Make sure lane configure of the sensor and NVCSI are the same.

Could you give me a link to get information of REG “NVCSI_PHY_0_CILA_INTR_0_STATUS_CILA_0”?

And I think my configuration is correct, here is it:

vi@15c10000 {
			num-channels = <1>;
			ports {
				#address-cells = <1>;
				#size-cells = <0>;
				port@0 {
					reg = <0>;
					nvp6324_vi_in0: endpoint {
						port-index = <2>;
						bus-width = <2>;
						remote-endpoint = <&nvp6324_csi_out0>;

		nvcsi@15a00000 {
			num-channels = <1>;
			#address-cells = <1>;
			#size-cells = <0>;
			channel@0 {
				reg = <0>;
				ports {
					#address-cells = <1>;
					#size-cells = <0>;
					port@0 {
						reg = <0>;
						nvp6324_csi_in0: endpoint@0 {
							port-index = <2>;
							bus-width = <2>;
							remote-endpoint = <&linvp6324_nvp6324_out0>;
					port@1 {
						reg = <1>;
						nvp6324_csi_out0: endpoint@1 {
							remote-endpoint = <&nvp6324_vi_in0>;

Check the TRM from below link.

I found that I need to use the virtual channel tech, is there any example for virtual channel settings and driver writings?

Check the imx390 for VC support.


Hi @wangxiaopeng ,

Did your driver work ? I need to make a driver for the same device nvp6324.


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