Video Wall of VST freezes easily

Video Wall or Live Streams of VST froze eaisly with more than 5 streams were selected on AGX Orin.
AGX Orin was set to MAXN power mode and jeston_clock was enabled.
The cpu load was around 50 % only.

From JPS document, AGX Orin supports 16 streams. Do we miss any?
Is there a way to run 16 streams on video wall or Live stream of VST?

Thank you,

Do yo use r36.3(Jetpack 6.0GA)? The version in document is r36.2 and this should be fixed:

Quick Start Guide — Metropolis on Jetson documentation 0.1.0 documentation

Currently we support it on Jetpack 6.0GA.

Here is the latest JPS guide: Quick Start Guide — Metropolis on Jetson documentation 0.1.0 documentation. VST version is: v1.2.58

We use VST v1.2.58.


By the way, we uploaded H264 files. For h264 files, how many streames are expected?

Here is the supported stream count for different platform: AI NVR — Metropolis on Jetson documentation 0.1.0 documentation

From AI NVR — Metropolis on Jetson documentation 0.1.0 documentation

  • 16 H.265 streams on Orin AGX developer kit (with 32GB RAM)
  • 8 H.265 streams on Orin NX16
  • 4 H.265 streams on Orin NX8
  • 4 H.265 streams on Orin Nano

Orin AGX supports 16 H.265 streams.

However, we got video wall froze easily as selected more then 5 streams.
Is it normal? Or is there a way to adjust it?

Thank you,

Are you test with H.265 stream?

Please boost the clock before test.

$ sudo nvpmodel -m 0

$ sudo jetson_clocks

Set max clock for VIC: VPI - Vision Programming Interface: Performance Benchmark