Vision Recognition Neural Network ("Hello AI World") installation

It seems like the program is in a loop. I believe i installed everything right but it seems to process over and over . I was told it will take some time on the first boot but it has been hours and i am not seeing any changes. The camera is also upside down. Has anyone else had this problem?

Hi nefreres, which program are you running from Hello AI World? The camera programs run continuously, processing each camera frame until the user exits the program. The network should only be loaded once at the beginning though. Can you post your output from the terminal log?

If your camera is inverted, try changing the flip-method value here:


Depending on your JetPack version, you might want to change it on line 414 as well. You can see the settings for flip-method by running ‘gst-inspect-1.0 nvarguscamerasrc’. Then recompile with ‘make’ followed by a ‘sudo make install’.

The programs is for Vision Recognition .
I think i have it working now. Can you please give a few more details about fixing the camera? Sorry i am new to this world.

Try changing line 416 of your jetson-inference/utils/camera/gstCamera.cpp file to this:

const int flipMethod = 0;

Then run these commands:

$ cd jetson-inference/build
$ make
$ sudo make install

Then when you run the program again, the video should now be uninverted.

Thank you kindly for all your help. I found the files. Can you tell me how to save the code after i edit it?

I have done all the above methods and it did not change the view of the camera. I am sorry if this is a simple task and i am missing something. Any help from anyone would be great. Thank you for your help so far. I am eager to understand.

Hi nefreres, which camera are you using?

If you view the gstCamera.cpp file, were the changes you made saved? Can you post lines 413-417?

The modified version should look like this:

#if NV_TENSORRT_MAJOR > 1 && NV_TENSORRT_MAJOR < 5	// if JetPack 3.1-3.3 (different flip-method)
     const int flipMethod = 2;					// Xavier (w/TRT5) camera is mounted inverted
     const int flipMethod = 0;
  #if NV_TENSORRT_MAJOR > 1 && NV_TENSORRT_MAJOR < 5      // if JetPack 3.1-3.3 (different flip-method)
            const int flipMethod = 2;                                       // Xavier (w/TRT5) camera is mounted inverted
            const int flipMethod = 0;

Sorry i do not see a save buttom. Thanks for helping…

Thank you for all your time and help. I know longer the a problem. Everything is now working.

OK cool, glad you got it working - enjoy!