W7 x64 System trouble

I am running windows 7 x64. I am also running visual studio 2008. I installed the 64 versions of the cuda toolkit and sdk. But I cannot compile any of the cuda projects. This is the error I see first.

1>LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file ‘cutil32D.lib’

Since I have cutil source code with the cuda toolkit I compiled it under win32 configuration which does give me the cutil32D.lib and …dll but then I run into the following errors:

1>sample.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _cudaConfigureCall@32 referenced in function _main
1>sample.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp__cutStartTimer@4 referenced in function _main

So my first question is how do I install and what cuda toolkit and sdk do I install based on my system version and the VS version I am running?

Also the cuda uninstaller does not work. I get the following error dialog when trying to uninstall either the sdk or toolkit.

InstallShield Wizard: Setup has experienced an error. Please do the following:
-Close any running programs
-Empty your temperoary folder
-Check your Internet connection (Internet-based Setups).

Then try to run the Setup again.

I’ve followed all these instructions with no success, so my second question is how can I manually and fully uninstall the cuda sdk and toolkit to have a fresh start?

If you use the Release_vc90.sln file that is in the src/ directory of the SDK rather than the .sln file included with an individual SDK sample (at least the first time you build), it will take care of building cutil and a few other things in the right order so that the SDK samples will build. You do need your cutil library to match the SDK sample in the 64-bit vs 32-bit sense, but again the Release_vc90.sln will take care of that.

I’ve never seen that particular uninstall error before. Maybe someone else can speak up on this front?

I get this error while trying to install the toolkit or the sdk for the first time:

InstallShield Wizard: Setup has experienced an error. Please do the following:

-Close any running programs

-Empty your temperoary folder

-Check your Internet connection (Internet-based Setups).

Then try to run the Setup again.

Did you find any solutions?

I’m told that this is a generic InstallShield error. There should have been an additional error code or error message along with this prompt.

What error code shows up next to the “OK” button in the prompt?

What was the exact sequence of steps that resulted in the error?

Are there any previous installs of CUDA toolkit or GPU Computing SDK on this machine?

Are you running the installer as a local Administrator?



Hello Cliff,

Was able to fix the problem using 2 steps:

  1. Installed driver by EVGA rather than the latest Nvidia driver on their website.

  2. Disabled UAC on Vista.
