What's needed to make IBV_WQ_FLAGS_DELAY_DROP work?

I’m trying to experiment with Ethernet flow control (just global pause frames so far, no PFC). I’ve managed to make it work for the kernel stack using ethtool --set-priv-flags $iface dropless_rq on, but I’m having trouble with ibverbs raw packet QPs. When I set the IBV_WQ_FLAGS_DELAY_DROP flag when creating the WQ I get an EINVAL error, which after some tracing through the kernel module appears to be a BAD_PARAM error from the CREATE_RQ hardware command.

driver: mlx5_core

version: 5.1-2.3.7

firmware-version: 16.27.2008 (MT_0000000011)

C++ source code (run as root, it picks the first IB device):

#include <iostream>

#include <utility>

#include <cerrno>

#include <cstdlib>

#include <cstring>

#include <infiniband/verbs.h>

#include <unistd.h>

#define STRINGIFY(x) #x

// Helper macros to print an error and exit if a call fails

#define CHECK_PTR(expr) \

({ \

auto ret = (expr); \

if (ret == nullptr) \

{ \

std::cerr << STRINGIFY(expr) << " failed (errno = " << errno << ")\n"; \

std::exit(1); \

} \

ret; \


int main()


// Find the device

int num_devices;

ibv_device **devices = CHECK_PTR(ibv_get_device_list(&num_devices));

if (num_devices == 0)


std::cerr << "No infiniband devices found\n";

return 1;


ibv_device *device = devices[0];

std::cout << "Using " << ibv_get_device_name(device) << '\n';

ibv_context *ctx = CHECK_PTR(ibv_open_device(device));


// Allocate PD

ibv_pd *pd = CHECK_PTR(ibv_alloc_pd(ctx));

// Allocate CQ

ibv_cq_init_attr_ex cq_attr = {};

cq_attr.cqe = 1024;

cq_attr.wc_flags = IBV_WC_EX_WITH_BYTE_LEN;

ibv_cq_ex *cq_ex = CHECK_PTR(ibv_create_cq_ex(ctx, &cq_attr));

ibv_cq *cq = ibv_cq_ex_to_cq(cq_ex);

// Allocate WQ

ibv_wq_init_attr wq_init_attr = {};

wq_init_attr.wq_type = IBV_WQT_RQ;

wq_init_attr.max_wr = 1024;

wq_init_attr.max_sge = 1;

wq_init_attr.pd = pd;

wq_init_attr.cq = cq;

wq_init_attr.create_flags = IBV_WQ_FLAGS_DELAY_DROP;

wq_init_attr.comp_mask = IBV_WQ_INIT_ATTR_FLAGS;

CHECK_PTR(ibv_create_wq(ctx, &wq_init_attr));

std::cout << "Successfully created WQ\n";


Hi Bruce,

Will continue to investigate this issue from the new support case.

Best Regards,
