Working with TensorRT 5.1 on Jetpack 4.2

Hello There,

I need to make use of DLA cores with int8 precision. I am aware that it is part of TensorRT 5.1xx.
This particular version of TensorRT is included in Jetpack 4.2.1 as per this post-


What is the release schedule for new Jetpack version?

But even before that, is there a way to install TensorRT 5.1xx on my Xavier(Jetpack 4.2) and work with int8-DLA?

Thanks in advance.

Hi BMohit,

There are many dependencies, and can get the TensorRT 5.1xx working with Jetpack 4.2, you need to wait the next JetPack release, and it will be ready soon, please wait for our announcement.
