Xavier NX HDMI complaince test setting


Dear Sir ,
We want to test Jetson Xavier NX EVB HDMI performance , need to set the following parameters :
(1) resolution : 1920x1080p 50 Hz
(2) Color Space : 444
(3) Color Depth : 24bpp
(4) Aspect Ratio : 16:9
We can’t fiond such instruction from the “Jetson Xavier NX Tuning and Compliance Guide” , please help to provide .

This is not related “complinace test”. This is just to output a mode.

And there is no any special instructions for this. Just search how to use “xrandr” over the Internet.

Thanks ~~

Dear Sir ,
We can set resolution by using “Xrandr” command, but can not set color space/color depth / aspect ratio .
Attached picture are the HDMI setting command for Set Top Box from Broadcom , please help to provide such command for HDMI eye pattern testing .



Just want to double confirm that what is the exact purpose you want to do here?

Do you want to pass the HDMI certificate or you want to tune the HDMI signal to pass the eye diagram?

Hi ,
We want to pass the HDMI 1.4 / 2.0 certificate . at the beginning of the test , we have to set the HDMI O/P to the desired format :
(1) resolution : 1920x1080p 50 Hz
(2) Color Space : 444
(3) Color Depth : 24bpp
(4) Aspect Ratio : 16:9


We don’t have any document for “pass HDMI 1.4/2.0 cert”.
This setting depends on the mode. You need to have a device with EDID supports these modes.

We have not certified any of our L4T devices with RGB(30 and 36bpp), YUV422(24bpp) and YUV44(24,30 and 36bpp) support.

We use “xrandr” tool to switch between different resolutions and keep the color format and color depth to default which is RGB 24bpp.