1x8 MIPI-DSI for TX1?

Hello all,

Can you please tell me if the TX1 supports an 1x8 DSI? I would like to connect to a pretty high resolution panel. 2560x1440.


Hi Jasonpetras,

If you have a look at the download zone and the file “JetsonTX1_OEM_Product_DesignGuide-1000010-16.pdf” page 63, you can read that the checklist for “DSI2_TX[1:0]” and “DSI3_TX[1:0]” is :
"DSI3_TX[1:0] +/– connected to upper 2 lanes of a secondary DSI display or upper 2 lanes of upper 4 lanes of the primary DSI display supporting a 2 x4 lane interface " (lower 2 lanes for DSI2_TX).

So now it’s to you to see if your DSI screen is truly 1x8 DSI lane or 2x4 lane.
Is it possible for you to post its reference here ?
I’m curious about that beast :)


Hi Ale,

Unfortunately, I will be drawn and quartered if I reveal the panel info :) but its safe to say that things are definitely headed to a high res future.

I saw the above reference, as well as a couple of others. The TX1 data sheet give an “1x4 or dual 1x4” mention. I am just looking to see if anyone has done a 1x8 before or that it is supported, but no one has packaged that type of interface into a design before


Ahah okay I will search by myself for a 1x8 DSI screen :)

Here I have never seen such a topic so I don’t think anyone has done it before (or didn’t share it).
It is more a software configuration interrogation for you than hardware one (the 8 lanes are here).

Seems to be not supported (at least natively) because if you go to page 2090 of the TRM the register “DSI_NUM_DATA_LANES” can be configured as 1-2-3-4 lanes…
But may be a trick can be done to use both controllers (A & B) in a way to make your jewel to work :p

have a nice day,