360 Degree view using DeepStream


I am trying to create a 360 degree surround view monitoring system using GMSL camera (CSI/MIPI based camera’s) and deepstream.

I have done the setup on Jetson Orin for Deepstream 6.3 with four camera inputs.

I am looking for an example/sample app which helps me to start with surrounding view monitoring application development.

Kindly send any relevant links for the same.

Thanks & Regards,

You may refer to the sample NVIDIA-AI-IOT/Deepstream-Dewarper-App: This project demonstrate how to infer and track from a 360 videos by using the dewarper plugin. (github.com)


Thanks for the response
This is I think second stage of my application. First I need to stitch for images coming from different cameras, is there any sample app available for image stitching with deepstream?

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No. There is no such sample in DeepStream

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