6 Camera Recording

I wanted to find out more about 6 Camera Recording with the TX2.

Any suggestions on threads to read or places on the Internet to look?

I have found 2 different products so far one from e-con Systems and one from Auvidea.

The project I am working on is a MoCap System I call it Inverted 360 Capture as the cameras all face in not out the way “normal” 360 systems work.


Rich Shumaker

Hi Rich,

RidgeRun has a variety of drivers with support for 6 cameras, to mention some:

  • Auvidea J20/J106
  • LI-TX1-CB-6CAM
  • AR0144
  • IMX219
  • IMX477
  • GMSL/FPD-Link III cameras

If RidgeRun doesn’t have a specific driver already developed it can work on one for your specific hardware. We have good contact with several carrier board vendors (Auvidea, Leopard Imaging, e-con, D3 engineering). Feel free to contact us in case you are interested.


Thanks a lot that helps!!!

Rich Shumaker


I was hoping there was a board driver combo to allow me to get up an running right away.
Since it seems to require drivers for the hardware to work, meaning they are not already in the wild.

I may need to consider the project parameters again and make sure to get a product that already has those.

Thanks again for the help.

Rich Shumaker


I’m a software guy so I’ll try to avoid being too “salesy” on the developer forum. If you want more information I’d be happy to discuss off of the forum or put you in touch with someone else from D3.

With that said…

  • D3 has a carrier board for Tx2 that supports 6 FPDLink-III cameras. We have drivers ready for a few different camera modules.
  • D3 also has a new camera interface card intended for Xavier that supports 16 FDPLink-III cameras. D3 recently demonstrated operating 16 cameras on Xavier through the ISP.

Again, if you’d like more details please let me know!



Check our multi-camera systems for NVIDIA Jetson TX2: [url]https://www.e-consystems.com/nvidia-jetson-camera.asp[/url]

Also please check our demo video on Youtube:

if you are interested in customizing can contact sales@e-consystems.com for any customization and additional features

I am looking to build a multicamera system (6+ 3-5MP MIPI cameras) synchronized with <150msec latency for basic processing, cable lengths of up to 2.5 meters. What solutions are currently out there? Thank you.


It was mentioned earlier in this thread, but D3 has cameras and Jetson systems that would fit this need. We can help you select the best option, or customize if necessary.


Please send an email to sales@d3engineering.com or private message me if you would like more information!
