I’m a newbie when it comes to anything hardware related (20 years in the software field). I’m trying to figure out how to connect 6 raspberry pi camera modules to a tx1. I have a Shield TV with all the Ubuntu bells and whistles. Is there a guide someplace that covers the hardware side of things as well as capture on linux?
Unfortunately, I don’t think anyone has managed to get one RasPi camera working on a Tegra board, though many have tried. Trying to connect it to a Shield TV would add another layer of complexity vs. a regular Jetson board.
Yes, there’s a few CSI cameras out there besides the camera that comes with the Jetson TX1 Dev Kit. This thread links to a few other threads involving non-USB cameras.
But again, I don’t know of anyone who’s connected cameras of any sort to the Shield TV (I’d assume that USB would work, but we don’t often talk about Shield TV in this forum).
We are working to create the driver for IMX219 sensor included in raspberry PI camera v2 for tegra X1, we are using J20 from auvidea to test 6 cameras. I will let you know when the driver is done. If you need more details please let me know
Just as an update on the camera driver for IMX219 (raspberry pi v2 camera). At this point we were able to get in place a driver for the J20 that basically initialize the GPIO expanders so we can use the cameras and also we have a driver for the IMX219 that allow us to capture images using v4l2src. The images look good but we are having some problems with the resolution, just to give you an example, capturing a 1920x1080 frame we get a 1920x2464 image. So at this point we are cleaning the driver and checking some of the camera registers to get all the resolutions working.
We are using latest R24.2 and media controller for this driver, both drivers can be compiled built-in. I will keep you updated with the progress, and we will create a wiki page with example pipelines.