I double checked the issue. I can see the timestamp and frame number in my GO code now, tracker bbox info and confidence is still lost. I’m sure I haven’t seen this with the C code, but you can ignore that gracefully
OK, in order to close this issue (which is not an issue): The tracker info is not available in all objectMeta objects coming from other entities than PGIE (which is understandable, since there is no tracker behind SGIE1 or SGIE2. Q: Would it make sense to add an nvtracker to the license plate detector?).
Maybe just one could check this:
The (partial) code for this “walk the objects” in GO: Probe taken at the sink of nvdosd, shortly before it is re-encoded and re-transmitted:
sinkPad.AddProbe(gst.PadProbeTypeBuffer, func(pad *gst.Pad, info *gst.PadProbeInfo) gst.PadProbeReturn {
buffer := info.GetBuffer()
var buf *C.GstBuffer = (*C.GstBuffer)(unsafe.Pointer(buffer.Instance()))
batchMeta := wrapNvDsBatchMeta(C.gst_buffer_get_nvds_batch_meta(buf))
frameMetaList := batchMeta.frameMetaList()
if frameMetaList == nil {
return gst.PadProbeOK
for _, frameMeta := range frameMetaList {
timestamp := frameMeta.timestamp()
objMetaList := frameMeta.objMetaList()
if objMetaList == nil {
return gst.PadProbeOK
frame_number := frameMeta.frameNumber()
timestampString := createRFC3330Timestamp(timestamp)
log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("FrameMeta: timestamp %s, frame_nr %d, nr objects: %d", timestampString, frame_number, len(objMetaList)))
for _, objMeta := range objMetaList {
log.Info(fmt.Sprintf(" => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: %d, class_id: %d, object_id: %d, detector_confidence: %.2f, detector_bbox: [%.0f, %.0f, %.0f, %.0f], tracker_confidence: %.2f, tracker_bbox: [%.0f, %.0f, %.0f, %.0f]",
classifierMetaList := objMeta.classifierMetaList()
if classifierMetaList == nil {
for _, classifierMeta := range classifierMetaList {
infoLabelList := classifierMeta.labelInfoList()
if infoLabelList == nil {
for _, labelInfo := range infoLabelList {
log.Info(fmt.Sprintf(" => ClassifierMeta: num_labels: %d, unique_component_id: %d, result_label: %s", classifierMeta.ptr.num_labels, classifierMeta.ptr.unique_component_id, C.GoString((*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(&labelInfo.ptr.result_label[0])))))
I’m first tracing FrameMeta
, then - with an indention - ObjMeta
then - with another indention (if available) ClassifierMeta
. PGIE has unique_component_id 1, the license plate detector (SGIE1) 2 and the license plate recognizer (SGIE2) has 3. I’m observing a Berlin street scene video and wondering about the many incarnations of the Berlin number plate “B RD 1891”. I’m completely fine with all the different recognitions, I just want to understand what I get. I’m wondering about the strange, generic looking “object_id” of the LPD, but maybe this ID defines a license plate :) Or it is just some -1 :)
I would be happy, if the detector_confidence
of LDP could be taken in order to judge the confidence of LPR, since there seems to be no appropriate confidence information in the ClassifierMeta…
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] FrameMeta: timestamp 2024-05-21T08:49:20.296367Z, frame_nr 142, nr objects: 3
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 2, class_id: 0, object_id: 18446744073709551615, detector_confidence: 0.99, detector_bbox: [1149, 392, 80, 25], tracker_confidence: 0.00, tracker_bbox: [0, 0, 0, 0]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ClassifierMeta: num_labels: 1, unique_component_id: 3, result_label: BRD1891
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 1, class_id: 2, object_id: 13, detector_confidence: 0.60, detector_bbox: [216, 263, 86, 196], tracker_confidence: 0.46, tracker_bbox: [221, 266, 83, 195]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 1, class_id: 0, object_id: 15, detector_confidence: 0.53, detector_bbox: [1058, 273, 221, 236], tracker_confidence: 0.75, tracker_bbox: [1054, 273, 243, 239]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] FrameMeta: timestamp 2024-05-21T08:49:20.32965Z, frame_nr 143, nr objects: 3
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 2, class_id: 0, object_id: 18446744073709551615, detector_confidence: 0.99, detector_bbox: [1154, 390, 80, 20], tracker_confidence: 0.00, tracker_bbox: [0, 0, 0, 0]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ClassifierMeta: num_labels: 1, unique_component_id: 3, result_label: 8RD18V1
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 1, class_id: 2, object_id: 13, detector_confidence: 0.80, detector_bbox: [223, 260, 78, 202], tracker_confidence: 0.45, tracker_bbox: [218, 263, 81, 197]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 1, class_id: 0, object_id: 15, detector_confidence: 0.51, detector_bbox: [1071, 269, 208, 237], tracker_confidence: 0.65, tracker_bbox: [1063, 269, 243, 238]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] FrameMeta: timestamp 2024-05-21T08:49:20.362985Z, frame_nr 144, nr objects: 4
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 2, class_id: 0, object_id: 18446744073709551615, detector_confidence: 0.99, detector_bbox: [1162, 388, 79, 20], tracker_confidence: 0.00, tracker_bbox: [0, 0, 0, 0]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ClassifierMeta: num_labels: 1, unique_component_id: 3, result_label: 8RD1891
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 1, class_id: 2, object_id: 13, detector_confidence: 0.61, detector_bbox: [207, 258, 90, 209], tracker_confidence: 0.49, tracker_bbox: [211, 260, 84, 201]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 1, class_id: 1, object_id: 14, detector_confidence: 0.30, detector_bbox: [226, 352, 76, 129], tracker_confidence: 0.26, tracker_bbox: [220, 353, 88, 137]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 1, class_id: 0, object_id: 15, detector_confidence: 0.52, detector_bbox: [1075, 269, 203, 233], tracker_confidence: 0.64, tracker_bbox: [1070, 268, 243, 236]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] FrameMeta: timestamp 2024-05-21T08:49:20.396335Z, frame_nr 145, nr objects: 3
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 2, class_id: 0, object_id: 18446744073709551615, detector_confidence: 0.98, detector_bbox: [1170, 385, 78, 19], tracker_confidence: 0.00, tracker_bbox: [0, 0, 0, 0]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ClassifierMeta: num_labels: 1, unique_component_id: 3, result_label: GYRD1891
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 1, class_id: 2, object_id: 13, detector_confidence: 0.58, detector_bbox: [203, 257, 89, 204], tracker_confidence: 0.48, tracker_bbox: [204, 259, 86, 202]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 1, class_id: 0, object_id: 15, detector_confidence: 0.44, detector_bbox: [1086, 266, 193, 229], tracker_confidence: 0.66, tracker_bbox: [1078, 265, 243, 234]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] FrameMeta: timestamp 2024-05-21T08:49:20.429745Z, frame_nr 146, nr objects: 3
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 2, class_id: 0, object_id: 18446744073709551615, detector_confidence: 0.99, detector_bbox: [1182, 381, 70, 20], tracker_confidence: 0.00, tracker_bbox: [0, 0, 0, 0]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ClassifierMeta: num_labels: 1, unique_component_id: 3, result_label: 8RD1891
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 1, class_id: 2, object_id: 13, detector_confidence: 0.72, detector_bbox: [196, 250, 83, 218], tracker_confidence: 0.42, tracker_bbox: [197, 255, 85, 208]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 1, class_id: 0, object_id: 15, detector_confidence: 0.58, detector_bbox: [1093, 240, 185, 252], tracker_confidence: 0.63, tracker_bbox: [1086, 252, 243, 240]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] FrameMeta: timestamp 2024-05-21T08:49:20.463069Z, frame_nr 147, nr objects: 3
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 2, class_id: 0, object_id: 18446744073709551615, detector_confidence: 0.97, detector_bbox: [1180, 374, 80, 22], tracker_confidence: 0.00, tracker_bbox: [0, 0, 0, 0]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ClassifierMeta: num_labels: 1, unique_component_id: 3, result_label: 8MRD1891
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 1, class_id: 2, object_id: 13, detector_confidence: 0.59, detector_bbox: [180, 248, 93, 217], tracker_confidence: 0.45, tracker_bbox: [186, 253, 88, 211]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 1, class_id: 0, object_id: 15, detector_confidence: 0.56, detector_bbox: [1100, 232, 180, 255], tracker_confidence: 0.61, tracker_bbox: [1094, 241, 243, 245]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] FrameMeta: timestamp 2024-05-21T08:49:20.496354Z, frame_nr 148, nr objects: 3
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 2, class_id: 0, object_id: 18446744073709551615, detector_confidence: 0.97, detector_bbox: [1191, 374, 73, 21], tracker_confidence: 0.00, tracker_bbox: [0, 0, 0, 0]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ClassifierMeta: num_labels: 1, unique_component_id: 3, result_label: BMRD1891
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 1, class_id: 2, object_id: 13, detector_confidence: 0.76, detector_bbox: [182, 246, 75, 216], tracker_confidence: 0.49, tracker_bbox: [180, 250, 83, 213]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 1, class_id: 0, object_id: 15, detector_confidence: 0.54, detector_bbox: [1104, 228, 174, 255], tracker_confidence: 0.50, tracker_bbox: [1099, 234, 243, 249]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] FrameMeta: timestamp 2024-05-21T08:49:20.529734Z, frame_nr 149, nr objects: 4
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 2, class_id: 0, object_id: 18446744073709551615, detector_confidence: 0.43, detector_bbox: [1263, 230, 16, 18], tracker_confidence: 0.00, tracker_bbox: [0, 0, 0, 0]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ClassifierMeta: num_labels: 1, unique_component_id: 3, result_label: HW7
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 2, class_id: 0, object_id: 18446744073709551615, detector_confidence: 0.99, detector_bbox: [1195, 366, 75, 21], tracker_confidence: 0.00, tracker_bbox: [0, 0, 0, 0]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ClassifierMeta: num_labels: 1, unique_component_id: 3, result_label: 8RD1891
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 1, class_id: 2, object_id: 13, detector_confidence: 0.68, detector_bbox: [187, 241, 69, 226], tracker_confidence: 0.42, tracker_bbox: [179, 246, 78, 217]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 1, class_id: 0, object_id: 15, detector_confidence: 0.49, detector_bbox: [1113, 207, 166, 275], tracker_confidence: 0.42, tracker_bbox: [1107, 221, 243, 258]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] FrameMeta: timestamp 2024-05-21T08:49:20.563134Z, frame_nr 150, nr objects: 4
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 2, class_id: 0, object_id: 18446744073709551615, detector_confidence: 0.99, detector_bbox: [1200, 363, 75, 21], tracker_confidence: 0.00, tracker_bbox: [0, 0, 0, 0]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ClassifierMeta: num_labels: 1, unique_component_id: 3, result_label: 8RD1891
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 1, class_id: 2, object_id: 13, detector_confidence: 0.48, detector_bbox: [152, 241, 91, 218], tracker_confidence: 0.36, tracker_bbox: [162, 243, 83, 217]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 1, class_id: 1, object_id: 14, detector_confidence: 0.32, detector_bbox: [159, 341, 89, 128], tracker_confidence: 0.27, tracker_bbox: [168, 353, 88, 133]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 1, class_id: 0, object_id: 15, detector_confidence: 0.57, detector_bbox: [1120, 222, 159, 252], tracker_confidence: 0.36, tracker_bbox: [1114, 219, 243, 256]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] FrameMeta: timestamp 2024-05-21T08:49:20.596415Z, frame_nr 151, nr objects: 4
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 2, class_id: 0, object_id: 18446744073709551615, detector_confidence: 0.98, detector_bbox: [1201, 362, 74, 21], tracker_confidence: 0.00, tracker_bbox: [0, 0, 0, 0]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ClassifierMeta: num_labels: 1, unique_component_id: 3, result_label: 0TRD1891
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 1, class_id: 2, object_id: 13, detector_confidence: 0.65, detector_bbox: [136, 236, 85, 209], tracker_confidence: 0.46, tracker_bbox: [146, 238, 83, 215]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 1, class_id: 1, object_id: 14, detector_confidence: 0.40, detector_bbox: [165, 342, 78, 126], tracker_confidence: 0.29, tracker_bbox: [163, 348, 84, 130]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 1, class_id: 0, object_id: 15, detector_confidence: 0.35, detector_bbox: [1127, 218, 151, 251], tracker_confidence: 0.41, tracker_bbox: [1121, 216, 243, 254]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] FrameMeta: timestamp 2024-05-21T08:49:20.629708Z, frame_nr 152, nr objects: 4
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 2, class_id: 0, object_id: 18446744073709551615, detector_confidence: 0.98, detector_bbox: [1209, 359, 66, 20], tracker_confidence: 0.00, tracker_bbox: [0, 0, 0, 0]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ClassifierMeta: num_labels: 1, unique_component_id: 3, result_label: 8RD189
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 1, class_id: 2, object_id: 13, detector_confidence: 0.67, detector_bbox: [129, 237, 98, 212], tracker_confidence: 0.44, tracker_bbox: [134, 237, 88, 214]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 1, class_id: 1, object_id: 14, detector_confidence: 0.41, detector_bbox: [153, 329, 77, 136], tracker_confidence: 0.40, tracker_bbox: [154, 340, 82, 132]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 1, class_id: 0, object_id: 15, detector_confidence: 0.38, detector_bbox: [1128, 220, 152, 247], tracker_confidence: 0.39, tracker_bbox: [1126, 216, 243, 252]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] FrameMeta: timestamp 2024-05-21T08:49:20.663101Z, frame_nr 153, nr objects: 4
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 2, class_id: 0, object_id: 18446744073709551615, detector_confidence: 0.97, detector_bbox: [1213, 354, 64, 21], tracker_confidence: 0.00, tracker_bbox: [0, 0, 0, 0]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ClassifierMeta: num_labels: 1, unique_component_id: 3, result_label: 8RD189
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 1, class_id: 2, object_id: 13, detector_confidence: 0.54, detector_bbox: [125, 233, 91, 217], tracker_confidence: 0.45, tracker_bbox: [126, 235, 89, 215]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 1, class_id: 1, object_id: 14, detector_confidence: 0.32, detector_bbox: [143, 330, 78, 133], tracker_confidence: 0.41, tracker_bbox: [145, 335, 81, 133]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 1, class_id: 0, object_id: 15, detector_confidence: 0.48, detector_bbox: [1135, 201, 144, 263], tracker_confidence: 0.37, tracker_bbox: [1132, 207, 243, 256]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] FrameMeta: timestamp 2024-05-21T08:49:20.696435Z, frame_nr 154, nr objects: 2
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 1, class_id: 2, object_id: 13, detector_confidence: 0.51, detector_bbox: [105, 231, 101, 212], tracker_confidence: 0.53, tracker_bbox: [113, 232, 93, 214]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 1, class_id: 1, object_id: 14, detector_confidence: 0.62, detector_bbox: [100, 307, 113, 152], tracker_confidence: 0.40, tracker_bbox: [122, 323, 92, 139]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] FrameMeta: timestamp 2024-05-21T08:49:20.730364Z, frame_nr 155, nr objects: 1
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 1, class_id: 2, object_id: 13, detector_confidence: 0.54, detector_bbox: [98, 227, 98, 219], tracker_confidence: 0.43, tracker_bbox: [102, 229, 95, 216]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] FrameMeta: timestamp 2024-05-21T08:49:20.763747Z, frame_nr 156, nr objects: 1
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 1, class_id: 2, object_id: 13, detector_confidence: 0.48, detector_bbox: [96, 228, 87, 215], tracker_confidence: 0.39, tracker_bbox: [95, 228, 92, 215]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] FrameMeta: timestamp 2024-05-21T08:49:20.796364Z, frame_nr 157, nr objects: 1
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 1, class_id: 2, object_id: 13, detector_confidence: 0.59, detector_bbox: [90, 227, 86, 223], tracker_confidence: 0.43, tracker_bbox: [89, 228, 90, 218]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] FrameMeta: timestamp 2024-05-21T08:49:20.829646Z, frame_nr 158, nr objects: 4
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 2, class_id: 0, object_id: 18446744073709551615, detector_confidence: 0.95, detector_bbox: [1234, 347, 45, 18], tracker_confidence: 0.00, tracker_bbox: [0, 0, 0, 0]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ClassifierMeta: num_labels: 1, unique_component_id: 3, result_label: BR01
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 1, class_id: 2, object_id: 13, detector_confidence: 0.54, detector_bbox: [71, 223, 92, 219], tracker_confidence: 0.46, tracker_bbox: [77, 225, 91, 218]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 1, class_id: 1, object_id: 14, detector_confidence: 0.32, detector_bbox: [92, 324, 80, 137], tracker_confidence: 0.23, tracker_bbox: [93, 323, 87, 138]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 1, class_id: 0, object_id: 16, detector_confidence: 0.43, detector_bbox: [1157, 264, 121, 183], tracker_confidence: 0.62, tracker_bbox: [1152, 249, 138, 203]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] FrameMeta: timestamp 2024-05-21T08:49:20.863014Z, frame_nr 159, nr objects: 4
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 2, class_id: 0, object_id: 18446744073709551615, detector_confidence: 0.97, detector_bbox: [1238, 346, 40, 17], tracker_confidence: 0.00, tracker_bbox: [0, 0, 0, 0]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 1, class_id: 2, object_id: 13, detector_confidence: 0.53, detector_bbox: [59, 223, 92, 218], tracker_confidence: 0.41, tracker_bbox: [64, 224, 91, 218]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 1, class_id: 1, object_id: 14, detector_confidence: 0.59, detector_bbox: [65, 311, 96, 146], tracker_confidence: 0.27, tracker_bbox: [76, 319, 90, 141]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 1, class_id: 0, object_id: 16, detector_confidence: 0.38, detector_bbox: [1165, 263, 114, 180], tracker_confidence: 0.53, tracker_bbox: [1159, 253, 138, 195]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] FrameMeta: timestamp 2024-05-21T08:49:20.89635Z, frame_nr 160, nr objects: 4
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 2, class_id: 0, object_id: 18446744073709551615, detector_confidence: 0.96, detector_bbox: [1244, 345, 34, 16], tracker_confidence: 0.00, tracker_bbox: [0, 0, 0, 0]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 1, class_id: 2, object_id: 13, detector_confidence: 0.55, detector_bbox: [42, 228, 101, 213], tracker_confidence: 0.44, tracker_bbox: [50, 225, 94, 216]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 1, class_id: 1, object_id: 14, detector_confidence: 0.70, detector_bbox: [39, 318, 114, 140], tracker_confidence: 0.26, tracker_bbox: [55, 318, 98, 141]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 1, class_id: 0, object_id: 16, detector_confidence: 0.48, detector_bbox: [1169, 239, 110, 203], tracker_confidence: 0.37, tracker_bbox: [1162, 245, 138, 198]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] FrameMeta: timestamp 2024-05-21T08:49:20.929624Z, frame_nr 161, nr objects: 4
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 2, class_id: 0, object_id: 18446744073709551615, detector_confidence: 0.98, detector_bbox: [1244, 345, 35, 17], tracker_confidence: 0.00, tracker_bbox: [0, 0, 0, 0]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ClassifierMeta: num_labels: 1, unique_component_id: 3, result_label: EAHPRR0
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 1, class_id: 2, object_id: 13, detector_confidence: 0.46, detector_bbox: [29, 223, 97, 220], tracker_confidence: 0.47, tracker_bbox: [35, 224, 95, 218]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 1, class_id: 1, object_id: 14, detector_confidence: 0.47, detector_bbox: [47, 321, 92, 139], tracker_confidence: 0.25, tracker_bbox: [44, 319, 96, 140]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 1, class_id: 0, object_id: 16, detector_confidence: 0.56, detector_bbox: [1172, 245, 107, 195], tracker_confidence: 0.49, tracker_bbox: [1167, 245, 138, 197]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] FrameMeta: timestamp 2024-05-21T08:49:20.963018Z, frame_nr 162, nr objects: 5
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 2, class_id: 0, object_id: 18446744073709551615, detector_confidence: 0.93, detector_bbox: [1247, 345, 33, 16], tracker_confidence: 0.00, tracker_bbox: [0, 0, 0, 0]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ClassifierMeta: num_labels: 1, unique_component_id: 3, result_label: ELJR8
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 1, class_id: 2, object_id: 17, detector_confidence: 0.24, detector_bbox: [885, 264, 28, 101], tracker_confidence: 0.81, tracker_bbox: [886, 262, 29, 102]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 1, class_id: 2, object_id: 13, detector_confidence: 0.62, detector_bbox: [21, 216, 103, 220], tracker_confidence: 0.48, tracker_bbox: [24, 220, 98, 219]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 1, class_id: 1, object_id: 14, detector_confidence: 0.80, detector_bbox: [19, 321, 117, 140], tracker_confidence: 0.23, tracker_bbox: [27, 319, 103, 140]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:20Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 1, class_id: 0, object_id: 16, detector_confidence: 0.57, detector_bbox: [1173, 257, 107, 183], tracker_confidence: 0.52, tracker_bbox: [1170, 250, 138, 192]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:21Z] FrameMeta: timestamp 2024-05-21T08:49:20.996335Z, frame_nr 163, nr objects: 4
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:21Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 2, class_id: 0, object_id: 18446744073709551615, detector_confidence: 0.93, detector_bbox: [1249, 345, 31, 17], tracker_confidence: 0.00, tracker_bbox: [0, 0, 0, 0]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:21Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 1, class_id: 2, object_id: 13, detector_confidence: 0.62, detector_bbox: [7, 228, 98, 209], tracker_confidence: 0.43, tracker_bbox: [11, 223, 98, 215]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:21Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 1, class_id: 1, object_id: 14, detector_confidence: 0.56, detector_bbox: [12, 320, 108, 141], tracker_confidence: 0.22, tracker_bbox: [15, 319, 105, 140]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:21Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 1, class_id: 0, object_id: 16, detector_confidence: 0.59, detector_bbox: [1174, 257, 106, 183], tracker_confidence: 0.38, tracker_bbox: [1172, 253, 138, 189]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:21Z] FrameMeta: timestamp 2024-05-21T08:49:21.029692Z, frame_nr 164, nr objects: 4
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:21Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 2, class_id: 0, object_id: 18446744073709551615, detector_confidence: 0.85, detector_bbox: [1249, 345, 30, 16], tracker_confidence: 0.00, tracker_bbox: [0, 0, 0, 0]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:21Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 1, class_id: 2, object_id: 13, detector_confidence: 0.68, detector_bbox: [0, 233, 99, 206], tracker_confidence: 0.43, tracker_bbox: [2, 227, 98, 212]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:21Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 1, class_id: 1, object_id: 14, detector_confidence: 0.47, detector_bbox: [0, 310, 108, 156], tracker_confidence: 0.28, tracker_bbox: [3, 315, 106, 146]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:21Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 1, class_id: 0, object_id: 16, detector_confidence: 0.57, detector_bbox: [1177, 261, 103, 179], tracker_confidence: 0.53, tracker_bbox: [1175, 256, 138, 185]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:21Z] FrameMeta: timestamp 2024-05-21T08:49:21.063074Z, frame_nr 165, nr objects: 5
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:21Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 2, class_id: 0, object_id: 18446744073709551615, detector_confidence: 0.96, detector_bbox: [1252, 345, 27, 17], tracker_confidence: 0.00, tracker_bbox: [0, 0, 0, 0]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:21Z] => ClassifierMeta: num_labels: 1, unique_component_id: 3, result_label: 7718
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:21Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 1, class_id: 2, object_id: 17, detector_confidence: 0.53, detector_bbox: [871, 266, 29, 105], tracker_confidence: 0.66, tracker_bbox: [872, 265, 29, 104]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:21Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 1, class_id: 2, object_id: 13, detector_confidence: 0.69, detector_bbox: [0, 235, 84, 200], tracker_confidence: 0.39, tracker_bbox: [-9, 232, 98, 208]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:21Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 1, class_id: 1, object_id: 14, detector_confidence: 0.57, detector_bbox: [0, 311, 96, 155], tracker_confidence: 0.33, tracker_bbox: [-7, 314, 106, 149]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:21Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 1, class_id: 0, object_id: 16, detector_confidence: 0.58, detector_bbox: [1180, 265, 99, 175], tracker_confidence: 0.40, tracker_bbox: [1178, 260, 138, 182]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:21Z] FrameMeta: timestamp 2024-05-21T08:49:21.096338Z, frame_nr 166, nr objects: 3
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:21Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 1, class_id: 2, object_id: 17, detector_confidence: 0.29, detector_bbox: [868, 267, 27, 106], tracker_confidence: 0.73, tracker_bbox: [868, 266, 28, 105]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:21Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 1, class_id: 2, object_id: 13, detector_confidence: 0.51, detector_bbox: [0, 237, 74, 210], tracker_confidence: 0.43, tracker_bbox: [-19, 235, 98, 209]
INFO[2024-05-21T08:49:21Z] => ObjectMeta: unique_component_id: 1, class_id: 1, object_id: 14, detector_confidence: 0.32, detector_bbox: [6, 331, 79, 135], tracker_confidence: 0.33, tracker_bbox: [-16, 321, 106, 144]
Makes sense?