A monitor connected by displayport shows vertically same two displays with NVIDIA driver (ver. 460)

Hello the members of the forum,

Could you help me to solve the issue ?

[Details of the Issue]
A monitor connected by a displayport shows vertically same two displays with NVIDIA driver (ver. 460.27.04).
If I connect the monitor by HDMI, the monitor normally works (shows a single display on the monitor).

I noticed the issue after updating the NVIDIA driver of my PC.
Before updating the NVIDIA driver (ver. 460.27.04), I used the NVIDIA driver (ver. 430.33.01) and the monitor normally worked if I connect the monitor by displayport.
Thus, I guess that the new NVIDIA driver raises the issue.

Of course, I can normally use the monitor connected by HDMI.
However I would like to use dual monitors.

[Current components of my PC]
NVIDIA driver: 460.27.04
CUDA version: 11.2
GPU: GeForce RTX 2080 super
OS: Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS
Display manager: lightdm

Best regards,
Ryo Sakai

The 460 driver has some bugs with DP connected monitors on some gpus. Please run nvidia-bug-report.sh as root and attach the resulting nvidia-bug-report.log.gz file to your post.

Thank you for your response.
However, I can’t send log.gz file to the post because of an internal rule of my company…
I’m sorry.