A question about CUDA visual profiler visual profiler

Now the question become this:

=== Start profiling for session ‘Session1’ ===
Start program ‘D:/test/GPU_TEST/x64/Release/Matrix_Multi.exe’ run #1
4096.000000 4096.000000 4096.000000 281
Program run #1 completed.
Start program ‘D:/test/GPU_TEST/x64/Release/Matrix_Multi.exe’ run #2
4096.000000 4096.000000 4096.000000 312
Program run #2 completed.
Start program ‘D:/test/GPU_TEST/x64/Release/Matrix_Multi.exe’ run #3
4096.000000 4096.000000 4096.000000 313
Program run #3 completed.
Invalid column ‘NV_Error: Cuda profiler initialization failed.’ found in CSV file header

I don’t know why, my code is a matrix multiply, use the implementation in PROGRAMMER GUIDE.
and the execution seems no problem.

Though it fails, but I check the csv file, find the data belows

But, my device is NOT 280, its 8500GT

so the profiler is beta Vision? Or it has bugs…

Now I can not use other function except reading this data.

after looking forward some old topics, i don’t think my problem is solved, my system is

WINXP64 + VS2008SP1 + CUDA2.2

best wishes

That’s just a pregenerated file which was included in the CUDA toolkit, check the timestamp.
I’ve got the same csv file over here and I don’t have a GTX 280 either.


oh, it’s true, and the filename “matrixMul_Session1_Device_0.csv” make me think it related with

my matrix multiply program. So stupid i am. Thank you!

and You didn’t have any problem with the profiler , aren’t you?

No, the profiler works just fine over here…
