I have a Jetson Origin Nano board and an IMx219 camera. Currently, IMx219 is RAW10, with 10 bits written to 16 bits by default. How to modify the driver program to directly store 10 bits .
The actual meaning is actually an image of 1920 * 1080, with a saved size of 4147200. How can I make it smaller
hello, my camera module is imx219
v4l2-ctl --set-fmt-video=width=1920,height=1080,pixelformat=RG10 --set-ctrl bypass_mode=1 --stream-mmap --stream-count=1 -d /dev/video0 --stream-to=imx219.raw
if i don’t --set-ctrl bypass_mode=0 ,i can’t save picture
imx219 does not support bypass mode?
Can I use GPU to complete the task of displacement per frame? I think using CPU to process data displacement per frame and save it may not be able to handle it. Do you think my understanding is correct? Do you have any opinions on using GPU for data processing
Or another method, can we use GPU to compress each frame of data? Is this fast? Is there a similar case? Which method do you think is better? Actually, our goal is to reduce the size of the data.