AGX Orin module (without carrier board): I/O, GPIO, USB


Currently working on integrating the AGX Orin module (without the carrier board) on a custom carrier PCB, and I have a bunch of questions. Could you please help with the following design points ?

    • Many I/O of the module can be configured as GPIO. Is there any limitations to GPIO configuration or usage on the module ? For instance:

Can I convert some I/O as GPIO to be used as SPI ? Even for the clock of the SPI (any clock speed limitation ?) ?
Can I use signals “SPI3_CS1_N”, “SPI2_CS0_N”, “SPI1_CS0_N”, and “SPI1_CS1_N” together as chip select signals of the single SPI1 bus (“SPI1_CLK”, “SPI1_MISO”, “SPI1_MOSI”) ?

    • Can I configure pin “SDCARD_D0” as GPIO (input) in order to collect a 40 MHz clock signal from another component ?
    • The module devkit has a type-C USB interface, that can work either in master OR slave mode. It also has type-A USB interfaces that can only work in master mode. Can I map the type-C USB signals as type-A USB, while keeping the master OR slave feature of the type-C USB ?
    • For USB interfaces: is it necessary to integrate microcontrollers on my custom carrier PCB (I see for instance on the devkit: U7 / RTS5420-GR) ? If so, and if firmwares are needed, can Nvidia provide those firmwares ?
    • There is a EEPROM on the devkit: component U501 / AT24C02D. What is its function ? Do I have to integrate that component (or equivalent) on my custom carrier PCB ?

Help would be much appreciated.

Best regards


Welcome to the NVIDIA Developer forums! Your topic belongs in the Jetson category, I will move it over for you.

Please check pinmux about pin usage, thanks.

Hi JimWang,

Thanks, actually I’ve been using this document already. But I need to check a few things, as detailed in my original post.

For instance, pin E8 “SDCARD_D0” can be configured as:

  • GPIO: GPIO3_PJ.02

I want to configure that pin as GPIO, and use it as an input to collect a 40 MHz clock from an external device. Is that possible ?


GPIO simulate as clock input or output is not efficient way and have limited speed.
High speed as 40MHz is definitely unachievable.

OK, noted. Hence, could you recommend an I/O as a replacement ?
Also, can a GPIO simulate a SPI clock ?


AGX Orin support total 3 SPI ports, which can be found in chapter 14 SPI of Jetson AGX Orin Series Design Guide (including AGX Orin Industrial).

OK that’s what I read. My issue is that I would need more than 3 SPI buses.
So is it a possibility to use GPIOs as SPI_CLK, SPI_MOSI, SPI_MISO and SPI_CS ?


Not possible through GPIO.
Need alternative way like usb-to-spi bridge.

Does that also stand for the chip select signals ? Given the low speed of the chip select signal, I would expect a GPIO to be enough.

For instance, with the SPI1 bus of the AGX, in addition to the CLK, MISO and MOSI, there are ONLY 2 chip select signals: SPI1_CS0_N and SPI1_CS1_N.

If I want to control 4 slaves using the SPI1 bus, can I “complement” with 2 GPIO signals as chip select, so that the 4 chip select signals for the 4 slaves are:

  • SPI1_CS0_N
  • SPI1_CS1_N
  • a first GPIO
  • a second GPIO ?


No, only three SPI ports are supported. You may need switch or bridge for more than three ports.

OK noted, thanks.
Regarding the other questions I raised in my original post :

    • The module devkit has a type-C USB interface, that can work either in master OR slave mode. It also has type-A USB interfaces that can only work in master mode. Can I map the type-C USB signals as type-A USB, while keeping the master OR slave feature of the type-C USB ?
    • For USB interfaces: is it necessary to integrate microcontrollers on my custom carrier PCB (I see for instance on the devkit: U7 / RTS5420-GR) ? If so, and if firmwares are needed, can Nvidia provide those firmwares ?
    • There is a EEPROM on the devkit: component U501 / AT24C02D. What is its function ? Do I have to integrate that component (or equivalent) on my custom carrier PCB ?

Can you provide answers to those ?

Best regards

Hi, please refer to the Orin Design Guide in DLC for the answer of your USB design questions.
EEPROM is not must. You can search “EEPROM” in forum for more info.

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