My board have got stuck to the recovery boot:
L4TLauncher: Attempting Recovery Boot
I have seen this way:
Hi, Please try below method and it will go back to direct Boot again. Press ESC to enter UEFI Menu, then choose Device Manager → NVIDIA Configuration → L4T Configuration → OS chain A status → (The value is Unbootable if UEFI attemps recovery kernel) choose Normal → Save and exit, reboot, UEFI will…
but my uefi is Jetson UEFI firmware (version 1.0-d7fb19b built on 2022-08-10T20:18:13-07:00),
the uefi have not that menu, how to boot the normal way?
What do you mean with it doesn't work?
If it still gets stuck after re-flashing the bootloader partition, maybe your rootfs or kernel is corrupted so it just cannot boot up.
It still int this bootmode:L4TLauncher: Attempting Recovery Boot,but the rootfs is ok in the Recovery Boot. I have mounted the rootfs in the bash console of Recovery Boot mode, and the /boot/image of rootfs is also ok.
I have set Device Manager → NVIDIA Resource Configuration → L4T Boot Mode, the default value is Application Default, and I have changed to other mode, the same result.
L4TLauncher: Attempting GRUB Boot
L4TLauncher: Attempting Direct Boot
L4T boot options
0: primary kernel
1: primary kernel
Press 0-1 to boot selection within 3.0 seconds.
Press any other key to boot default (Option: 0)
EFI stub: Booting Linux Kernel…
EFI stub: Using DTB from configuration table
the normal log above.
maybe grub is bad? which partion is grub in?
I used the r35.1 jetson_uefi.bin, I haven’t change the config, the default boot mode is “Application Default”, and it show “L4TLauncher: Attempting GRUB Boot,L4TLauncher: Attempting Direct Boot”
when in the recovery boot, I mount rootfs and all relevant directory files in rootfs exist. In the extlinux.con, I have config LINUX /boot/Image, the md5sum is right,So rootfs is not damaged. After I made the changes, I restarted and checked again, so it must have been saved