Hi all,
I want to use spi2_sck_pcc0 and spi2_mosi_pcc2 to do SPI bit-banging(Only output, no need for input).
I can control the two GPIO by SYSFS, but the frequency of the clock(spi2_sck_pcc0) is too low which is only 10 ~ 20kHz.
So I reference this topic(GPIO-bit_bang, MMAP_sample, Address_offset) and use the following command to check the memory mapped is ok:
- sudo busybox devmem 0x0c302048 w 0x03
- sudo busybox devmem 0x0c302054 w 0x00
- sudo busybox devmem 0x0c302058 w 0x01
Use cat /sys/kernel/debug/tegra_pinctrl_reg | grep spi2 to get address of spi2_sck_pcc0 and spi2_mosi_pcc2, like the below
step 1 set it to GPIO, step 2 set it to output, and step 3 set it to HIGH.
But my AGX always reboot by using step 3.
Why the command will let the device reboot? Am I doing something wrong?
many thanks