Apply semantics to object child

I have a xform that consist of two different meshes (Pallet + Cardbox).

Importing it by

rep_pallet_group = rep.create.from_usd(pallet_usd, semantics=[('class', 'target_pallet')], count=count)

will apply the semantics to both. But I only want to apply semantics to the Pallet, not the Cardbox.

I found this tutorial: Semantic Schema Editor — Omniverse Robotics documentation
but I am using a python script.

How can this be solved using python? Thanks in advance.

You can achieve that with rep.get.xform described here: PYTHON API — omni_replicator 1.10.10 documentation

After you get the xform you want to apply the semantics to, you then rep.modify.semantics on it.

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You would apply semantics to it after creating it instead of at creation time.

rep_pallet_group = rep.create.from_usd(pallet_usd,  count=count)

pallet_prims = rep.get.xform(path_pattern='Pallet_B1$')  # Uses regular expression matching
with pallet_prims:
  rep.modify.semantics(semantics=[('class', 'target_pallet')])
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Thanks, I used your provided solution, but then I receive following assertion:

Replicator/SDGPipeline/OgnWriteSemantics: [/Replicator/SDGPipeline] Assertion raised in compute -
Error in ‘pxrInternal_v0_22__pxrReserved__::UsdStage::_SetValueImpl’ at line 6174 in file /buildAgent/work/ac88d7d902b57417/USD/pxr/usd/usd/stage.cpp : ‘Empty typeName for </Replicator/Ref_Xform/Ref/pallet_B1_Cbox_A1.semantic:class_target_pallet:params:semanticType>’

We sometimes see that error when trying to apply semantics to a large number of prims.

It’s a somewhat known error, but it has been difficult to reproduce for us.

Which version of Replicator are you seeing this error message in? It is possible we have a workaround in the latest version

I reduced the number of prims to 1 and still get the same error.

I am using Version 2023.1.1. with omni.replicator.core-1.10.20+105.1.lx64.r.cp310. Let me know about the workaround and I am going to test it.

Is there any news regarding the workaround I can test?

Can you try Replicator 1.11.+ (available in Isaac 4.+)

Hey Dennis,

I updated according to your suggestion and can confirm the issue is gone now. Thanks for your help.

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