I m working with IMX274 camera array. Argus library was working fine and until it suddenly stopped working.
I get the following error if i run argus_camera.
nvidia@tegra-ubuntu:~$ argus_camera
Executing Argus Sample Application (argus_camera)
Argus Version: UNKNOWN
Error generated. /home/nvidia/argus/apps/camera/modules/Dispatcher.cpp, initialize:848 No cameras available
Error generated. /home/nvidia/argus/apps/camera/modules/Dispatcher.cpp, Dispatcher:801 (propagating)
(NvCameraUtils) Error InvalidState: Mutex already initialized (in Mutex.cpp, function initialize(), line 41)
(Argus) Error InvalidState: (propagating from src/rpc/socket/client/ClientSocketManager.cpp, function open(), line 54)
(Argus) Error InvalidState: (propagating from src/rpc/socket/client/SocketClientDispatch.cpp, function openSocketConnection(), line 205)
(Argus) Error InvalidState: Cannot create camera provider (in src/rpc/socket/client/SocketClientDispatch.cpp, function createCameraProvider(), line 129)
(Argus) Error EndOfFile: Unexpected error in reading socket (in src/rpc/socket/client/ClientSocketManager.cpp, function recvThreadCore(), line 212)
(Argus) Error EndOfFile: Receive worker failure, notifying 1 waiting threads (in src/rpc/socket/client/ClientSocketManager.cpp, function recvThreadCore(), line 287)
(Argus) Error InvalidState: Argus client is exiting with 1 outstanding client threads (in src/rpc/socket/client/ClientSocketManager.cpp, function recvThreadCore(), line 304)
(Argus) Error EndOfFile: Receiving thread terminated with error (in src/rpc/socket/client/ClientSocketManager.cpp, function recvThreadWrapper(), line 315)
(Argus) Error EndOfFile: Client thread received an error from socket (in src/rpc/socket/client/ClientSocketManager.cpp, function send(), line 147)
How about the sample APP? If you flash the device by JetPack you can find flash.sh at …/64_TX2/Linux_for_tegra_tx2/, just do sudo ./flash -r jetson-tx2 mmcblk0p1
i tested with argus_camera, which is the sample app. strange though gstreamer works fine and argus was working till today and all of a sudden broke down. I ll try sudo ./flash -r jetson-tx2 mmcblk0p1 now.
– Logs begin at Fri 2018-03-09 04:31:53 UTC, end at Fri 2018-03-09 18:03:06 UTC. –
Mar 09 04:32:06 tegra-ubuntu systemd[1]: Started Argus daemon.
Mar 09 05:03:17 tegra-ubuntu argus_daemon[1005]: PCLHW_DTParser
Mar 09 05:03:17 tegra-ubuntu argus_daemon[1005]: PCLHW_DTParser
Mar 09 05:03:17 tegra-ubuntu argus_daemon[1005]: LoadOverridesFile: looking for override file [/Calib/camera_override.isp] 1/16LoadOverridesFile: looking for override file [/data/nvcam/settings/camera_overrides.isp] 2/16Lo
Mar 09 05:03:17 tegra-ubuntu argus_daemon[1005]: NvCameraIspConfigFileLoad: Config file “common.cfg” Line 594: Error: Invalid isp config attribute: "//Thisistheextradelayintroducedwhileprogrammingthegroupholdsettingapartfr
Mar 09 05:03:17 tegra-ubuntu argus_daemon[1005]: NvCameraIspConfigFileLoad: Config file “common.cfg” Line 3177: Error: Invalid isp config attribute element: “fd.Available=TRUE”
Mar 09 05:03:17 tegra-ubuntu argus_daemon[1005]: NvCameraIspConfigFileLoad: Config file “common.cfg” Line 3178: Error: Invalid isp config attribute element: “fd.ForceEnable=FALSE”
Mar 09 05:03:17 tegra-ubuntu argus_daemon[1005]: NvCameraIspConfigFileLoad: Config file “isp4.cfg” Line 333: Error: Invalid isp config attribute: “ds.enable=TRUE”
Mar 09 05:03:17 tegra-ubuntu argus_daemon[1005]: LoadOverridesFile: looking for override file [/data/nvcam/settings/usb@video1.isp] 6/16LoadOverridesFile: looking for override file [/opt/nvidia/nvcam/settings/usb@video1.is
Mar 09 05:03:17 tegra-ubuntu argus_daemon[1005]: initializeDevNode: Failed to open dev node ‘/dev/camera/video1’; No such file or directory, trying alternate default location
Mar 09 05:03:17 tegra-ubuntu argus_daemon[1005]: (NvOdmDevice) Error BadParameter: Control 10094858 not found (in dvs/git/dirty/git-master_linux/camera-partner/imager/src/V4L2Device.cpp, function findControlById(), line 15
Mar 09 05:03:17 tegra-ubuntu argus_daemon[1005]: (NvOdmDevice) Error BadParameter: (propagating from dvs/git/dirty/git-master_linux/camera-partner/imager/src/V4L2Device.cpp, function getControlRange(), line 306)
Mar 09 05:03:17 tegra-ubuntu argus_daemon[1005]: initialize: focus query failed
Mar 09 05:03:17 tegra-ubuntu argus_daemon[1005]: SCF: Error BadParameter: (propagating from src/services/capture/CaptureServiceDeviceSensor.cpp, function open(), line 122)
Mar 09 05:03:17 tegra-ubuntu argus_daemon[1005]: SCF: Error BadParameter: (propagating from src/services/capture/CaptureServiceDeviceSensor.cpp, function getSourceFromGuid(), line 593)
Mar 09 05:03:17 tegra-ubuntu argus_daemon[1005]: SCF: Error BadParameter: (propagating from src/services/capture/CaptureService.cpp, function addSourceByGuid(), line 781)
Mar 09 05:03:17 tegra-ubuntu argus_daemon[1005]: SCF: Error BadParameter: (propagating from src/api/CameraDriver.cpp, function addSourceByIndex(), line 276)
Mar 09 05:03:17 tegra-ubuntu argus_daemon[1005]: SCF: Error BadParameter: (propagating from src/api/CameraDriver.cpp, function getSource(), line 439)
Mar 09 05:03:17 tegra-ubuntu argus_daemon[1005]: (Argus) Error BadParameter: (propagating from src/api/CameraProviderImpl.cpp, function initialize(), line 92)
Mar 09 05:03:17 tegra-ubuntu argus_daemon[1005]: (Argus) Error BadParameter: (propagating from src/api/GlobalProcessState.cpp, function createCameraProvider(), line 214)
Mar 09 05:03:17 tegra-ubuntu argus_daemon[1005]: (Argus) Error EndOfFile: (propagating from libs/rpc_socket_server/ServerSocketManager.cpp, function recvThreadCore(), line 138)
Mar 09 05:03:17 tegra-ubuntu argus_daemon[1005]: (Argus) Error EndOfFile: (propagating from libs/rpc_socket_server/ServerSocketManager.cpp, function run(), line 56)
Mar 09 05:03:33 tegra-ubuntu systemd[1]: argus-daemon.service: Main process exited, code=killed, status=11/SEGV
Mar 09 05:03:33 tegra-ubuntu systemd[1]: argus-daemon.service: Unit entered failed state.
Mar 09 05:03:33 tegra-ubuntu systemd[1]: argus-daemon.service: Failed with result ‘signal’.
Mar 09 05:03:33 tegra-ubuntu systemd[1]: argus-daemon.service: Service hold-off time over, scheduling restart.
Mar 09 05:03:33 tegra-ubuntu systemd[1]: Stopped Argus daemon.
Mar 09 05:03:33 tegra-ubuntu systemd[1]: Started Argus daemon.
I worked with Leopard imaging and solved this issue.
The problem was when i connect zed camera to TX2 and run argus_camera, It fails to get device list. When i disconnect zed camera, it works fine. I guess this is a bug with argus library.
Can you share how you solved this issue? I am having the same problem when connecting an intel realsense depth camera to TX2. I am using argus with leopard imaging csi cameras also.
I did a hack. First unplug the USB cameras. Start all the argus camera processes. Now plug the USB camera and start USB camera processes. List devices wouldn’t work if USB cameras are connected. Otherwise the library is fine.