Hi, I am using the BFGS optimizer. The following is the config:
defaults :
scheduler: tf_exponential_lr
loss: sum
optimizer: bfgs
max_iter: 1000
Run the case and get the error:
In ‘config’: ConfigKeyError raised while composing config:
Key ‘max_iter’ not in ‘OptimizerConf’
full_key: optimizer.max_iters
But when I delete max_iter in the config, run the bfgs. In the outputs/casename/.hydra/config.yaml there is a line of “max_iter: 1000”.
Could anyone help me with that? Thanks!
Its hard to tell what your yaml looks like with the bulleted list. Can you make sure the optimizer is set prior to the “self” in the defaults list? See an example of what should work here: