January 19, 2024, 8:38am
We are using our customized board with AGX Xavier 32GB. When we flashed the device with the original JetPack 5.0.2, it could boot normally. However, it failed to boot when we used the original JetPack 5.1.0 or JetPack 5.1.2. It was caused by this UEFI error:
ASSERT [BdsDxe] /out/nvidia/bootloader/uefi/Jetson_RELEASE/edk2-nvidia/Silicon/NVIDIA/Library/PlatformBootManagerLib/PlatformBm.c(843): !(((INTN)(RETURN_STATUS)(Status)) < 0)
The full boot log is attached.
Any idea for this check? Please advise.
Thank you.
boot_error_log.txt (21.7 KB)
please enable UEFI debug print by rebuilding the UEFI binary.
Also, do you have NV devkit to validate this module?
January 22, 2024, 4:29am
I enabled the UEFI debug with this log here.
boot_error_uefi_enable_log.txt (147.0 KB)
Look like the cause was by these related errors:
RecordVarErrorFlag (0xEF) RootfsStatusSlotA:781E084C-A330-417C-B678-38E696380CB9 - 0x00000007 - 0x64
CommonVariableSpace = 0x1FF9C - CommonVariableTotalSize = 0x1FF64
RecordVarErrorFlag (0xEF) RootfsStatusSlotB:781E084C-A330-417C-B678-38E696380CB9 - 0x00000007 - 0x64
CommonVariableSpace = 0x1FF9C - CommonVariableTotalSize = 0x1FF64
RecordVarErrorFlag (0xEF) IpmiNetworkBootMode:781E084C-A330-417C-B678-38E696380CB9 - 0x00000007 - 0x65
CommonVariableSpace = 0x1FF9C - CommonVariableTotalSize = 0x1FF64
RecordVarErrorFlag (0xEF) AcpiTimerEnabled:781E084C-A330-417C-B678-38E696380CB9 - 0x00000003 - 0x5F
CommonVariableSpace = 0x1FF9C - CommonVariableTotalSize = 0x1FF64
RecordVarErrorFlag (0xEF) UefiShellEnabled:781E084C-A330-417C-B678-38E696380CB9 - 0x00000003 - 0x5F
CommonVariableSpace = 0x1FF9C - CommonVariableTotalSize = 0x1FF64
RecordVarErrorFlag (0xEF) DgpuDtEfifbSupport:781E084C-A330-417C-B678-38E696380CB9 - 0x00000007 - 0x63
CommonVariableSpace = 0x1FF9C - CommonVariableTotalSize = 0x1FF64
RecordVarErrorFlag (0xEF) RedfishHostInterface:ED3374EF-767B-42FA-AF70-DB520A392822 - 0x00000003 - 0x67
CommonVariableSpace = 0x1FF9C - CommonVariableTotalSize = 0x1FF64
RecordVarErrorFlag (0xEF) EnabledPcieNicTopology:781E084C-A330-417C-B678-38E696380CB9 - 0x00000003 - 0x6F
CommonVariableSpace = 0x1FF9C - CommonVariableTotalSize = 0x1FF64
RecordVarErrorFlag (0xEF) MemoryTestControl:781E084C-A330-417C-B678-38E696380CB9 - 0x00000007 - 0x80
CommonVariableSpace = 0x1FF9C - CommonVariableTotalSize = 0x1FF64
RecordVarErrorFlag (0xEF) ProductInfo:781E084C-A330-417C-B678-38E696380CB9 - 0x00000003 - 0x98
CommonVariableSpace = 0x1FF9C - CommonVariableTotalSize = 0x1FF64
InitializeSettings: Error setting ProductInfo variable Bad Buffer Size
MnpSyncSendPacket: No network cable detected.
RecordVarErrorFlag (0xEF) BootOrder:8BE4DF61-93CA-11D2-AA0D-00E098032B8C - 0x00000007 - 0x60
CommonVariableSpace = 0x1FF9C - CommonVariableTotalSize = 0x1FF64
RecordVarErrorFlag (0xEF) BootOrder:8BE4DF61-93CA-11D2-AA0D-00E098032B8C - 0x00000007 - 0x60
CommonVariableSpace = 0x1FF9C - CommonVariableTotalSize = 0x1FF64
RecordVarErrorFlag (0xEF) BootOrder:8BE4DF61-93CA-11D2-AA0D-00E098032B8C - 0x00000007 - 0x60
CommonVariableSpace = 0x1FF9C - CommonVariableTotalSize = 0x1FF64
RecordVarErrorFlag (0xEF) BootOrder:8BE4DF61-93CA-11D2-AA0D-00E098032B8C - 0x00000007 - 0x60
CommonVariableSpace = 0x1FF9C - CommonVariableTotalSize = 0x1FF64
RecordVarErrorFlag (0xEF) BootOrder:8BE4DF61-93CA-11D2-AA0D-00E098032B8C - 0x00000007 - 0x60
CommonVariableSpace = 0x1FF9C - CommonVariableTotalSize = 0x1FF64
RecordVarErrorFlag (0xEF) BootOrder:8BE4DF61-93CA-11D2-AA0D-00E098032B8C - 0x00000007 - 0x60
CommonVariableSpace = 0x1FF9C - CommonVariableTotalSize = 0x1FF64
RecordVarErrorFlag (0xEF) BootOrder:8BE4DF61-93CA-11D2-AA0D-00E098032B8C - 0x00000007 - 0x60
CommonVariableSpace = 0x1FF9C - CommonVariableTotalSize = 0x1FF64
ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status = Bad Buffer Size)
ASSERT [BdsDxe] /mnt/3abc8904-015d-47bc-97fd-c1826214322a/teddy/Work/project/PRP022-23CI/remote_dev/build/nvidia-uefi/edk2-nvidia/Silicon/NVIDIA/Library/PlatformBootManagerLib/PlatformBm.c(1078): !(((INTN)(RETU)
We only have a AGX Xavier 32GB development board for cross check. For this log, any idea?
Thank you.
Could you adjust the boot order in ./L4TConfiguration.dtbo and make sure the boot order is from emmc first?
January 23, 2024, 5:27am
The cause was by SSD boot that I did not expect even it was removed. I used this command to flash the device before:
sudo ./tools/kernel_flash/ --showlogs --flash-only jetson-agx-xavier-devkit internal
At first, I expected it would boot from internal EMMC but it did not. Then, I used this command to flash again with forced EMMC boot:
sudo ADDITIONAL_DTB_OVERLAY=BootOrderEmmc.dtbo ./ jetson-agx-xavier-devkit internal
The device can boot now.
If I prefer to pass input argument to (like ADDITIONAL_DTB_OVERLAY) for boot order customization but rather change of L4TConfiguration.dtbo, is it possible?
Thank you.
March 14, 2024, 4:29am
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