Booting fail with some JetPack Versions

We are flashing Xavier NX Module(eMMC)
And there is booting error after installing nvidia-jetpack
It depends on JetPack version.

L4T is flashed by SDK Manager.
And Libraries are installed by this commands:

sudo apt update
apt depends nvidia-jetpack | awk '{print $2}' | xargs -I {} sudo apt install -y {}

And some versions of JetPack have booting error after installing nvidia-jetpack.

JetPack-4.4 and JetPack-4.5.1 have errors.
Debug UART can log in to Ubuntu.
But Monitor just shows it.

And JetPack-4.6 has no issue with it.

These are boot logs and dmesg.
DevKit_eMMC_JetPack4.4.txt (104.8 KB)
DevKit_eMMC_JetPack4.5.1.txt (105.8 KB)
DevKit_eMMC_JetPack4.6.txt (109.4 KB)

What is the pro
We are flashing Xavier NX Module(eMMC)
And there is booting error after installing nvidia-jetpack
It depends on JetPack version.

L4T is flashed by SDK Manager.
And Libraries are installed by this commands:

sudo apt update
apt depends nvidia-jetpack | awk '{print $2}' | xargs -I {} sudo apt install -y {}

And some versions of JetPack have booting error after installing nvidia-jetpack.

JetPack-4.4 and JetPack-4.5.1 have errors.
Debug UART can log in to Ubuntu.
But Monitor just shows it.

And JetPack-4.6 has no issue with it.

These are boot logs and dmesg.
DevKit_eMMC_JetPack4.4.txt (104.8 KB)
DevKit_eMMC_JetPack4.5.1.txt (105.8 KB)
DevKit_eMMC_JetPack4.6.txt (109.4 KB)

I compared these logs, But I can’t find what are these different.

There is a known issue in 32.5.1/32.5.2. Workaround is using sdkm to install the sdk.

Or directly upgrade to 32.6.

If you want to compare log, you should check Xorg.0.log but not dmesg.

Kernel has nothing to do with the desktop.

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It works with minor release update.

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