Booting Issue in Jetpack 6.2

Hello Team,

By following the instructions given in 🚀 Initial Setup Guide - Jetson Orin Nano - NVIDIA Jetson AI Lab , we tried to flash Nano using SD card flashing method. And after flashing the SD card, Balena Etcher Validator also ran successfully.

The UEFI firmware version is 36.2 still Jetpack is not booting, instead we are getting the Initial booting screen with the following errors :

LAT Launcher: Unable to locate LAT Support protocol: Not Found
L4TLauncher: Using legacy interface. Support would be deprecated soon!!!
L4TLauncher: Failed to get PlatformResourceInfo

There is no update from you for a period, assuming this is not an issue anymore.
Hence, we are closing this topic. If need further support, please open a new one.


What is your current SD JP version now?
