Can AGX Orin use the USB0 port for both Flash and booting from USB storage?


We are looking to design a custom board for AGX Orin.
I understand that the USB0 port needs to be used for Flash purposes during Force Recovery.

I also want to use USB storage as the boot device instead of the eMMC implemented on the Jetson module.
I would like to reduce the number of USB ports used as much as possible and would like to use USB storage connected to a USB0 port, Is this possible?
Or do I need to separate the USB port for Flash and the USB port for boot?

Best Regards,

Not possible to do that. Please use separate one.


Thank you for your reply.
Are there any restrictions on which ports can be used for USB booting? In other words, can any port other than USB0 be used as boot storage?

Best Regards,

Any other usb port can be used for boot storage.

I got it!. Thank you!!

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