CAN-bus functionality on Jetson Orin Nano dev kit


I want to implement CAN-bus functionality on the Jetson Orin Nano Dev Kit (Jetpack 5.1.3.), but it seems to differ from adding a WaveShare SN65HVD230 CAN board on the AGX Xavier. Could someone guide me through the setup steps for each part?

Although I have read many discussions on different topics, it seems that each Jetpack version handles pin configuration differently. Additionally, do I need to add an MCP2515 module to make it work?

Hi wilsonhuang,

Have you referred to Controller Area Network (CAN) — NVIDIA Jetson Linux Developer Guide 1 documentation to verify internal loopback test through adding loopback on?

There’s a Optional CAN Bus Header on J17 available to be used.
You can connect MCP2515 from SPI interface if you have the requirement for the 2nd CAN interface.

Thank you for your reply. I will follow the instructions you provided and try it out. I will let you know the results here. Thank you.

Hi @KevinFFF,

Thank you for your assistance. I have successfully connected the data following the documentation you provided.

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