I want to use xavier in pcie endpint mode.
I consulted the L4T doc and only modified the odm value. After the flash , I found that the can bus can no longer send and receive data. I suspect that the odm value affected the function of the can bus. If it is changed to the default odm, the can is normal.
Flashing the PCIe Endpoint on a Jetson AGX Xavier Series System
A Jetson system must be flashed in a specific way to enable PCIe endpoint mode. Use the following steps to flash the endpoint system:
1.In the extracted L4T release directory, edit p2972-0000.conf.common. Set bit 12 of the ODMDATA value, i.e. change it from 0x09190000 to 0x09191000.
2.Run the following command to re-flash the system:
sudo ./flash.sh jetson-xavier mmcblk0p1
Note that this completely erases any data previously stored on the Jetson system.
3.Edit p2972-0000.conf.common again and restore the ODMDATA property’s original value. This ensures that any systems flashed in the future operate in PCIe root port mode.
Except for changing the odm value , Is there any other way to enable pcie’s endpoint mode?
Changing the ODM data is the only way to configure Jetson-Xavier in EP mode. Ideally it shouldn’t effect the CAN operation. We’ll look into it and get back to you on this.
I mean can we use both devices in RP mode PCIe to test or both devices in EP mode PCIe to test?
If you suspect the pcie EP mode will cause problem, then the both EP mode case should always hit CAN bus error on both side. While the both RP mode case shall not.
Did you also tried sending from RP mode and receiving on EP mode?
I see the failure case is of RP as receiver and EP as sender.
Can you share vice-versa results?
There is no update from you for a period, assuming this is not an issue any more.
Hence we are closing this topic. If need further support, please open a new one.
Also, we would like to know which device/connector you are using with Jetson which you are using as RP mode? what are the signals it is sharing with jetson? Details would help to debug further.