What's detail when "flash.sh p2972-0000-devkit-pcie-ep" to enable endpoint mode

I can make the endpoint mode work by doing the stuffs in the link below:

Summary of the changes needed by endpoint mode:

  1. Remove C5 rc-modein device tree
  2. Enable C5 ep-mode in device tree
  3. Change pex-refclk-sel from low to high
  4. Make ODMDATA=0x9191000

The document “Tegra_Linux_Driver_Package_AGX_Xavier_Adaptation_Guide_v1-1.pdf” said that:

What does “Enable PCIe endpoint mode” mean here? Does it do all the endpoint changes I list above or just the fourth one?

By the way, p2972-0000-devkit-pcie-ep is “Invalid target board” for now in JetPack 4.2. I can only find “p2972-0000-devkit”.


Yes, we already replied this in another thread. This is a known issue. We didn’t put this config into release package.

Thanks for the answer. Can you answer the question:

What does “Enable PCIe endpoint mode” mean here? Does it do all the endpoint changes I list above or just the fourth one?


In my opinion, only the step 4 is necessary.

Make ODMDATA=0x9191000 would be sufficient because the plugin-manager in device tree would handle 1~3.