I want to manage my environment using a specific path or find a better way to easily manage the environment.
I found that the path to tools\packman\python.bat
and Python is C:\packman-repo\python\3.7.9-windows-x86_64\python.exe
Can I modify this path to point directly to a Conda environment path?
Additionally, the default pip library path (omni.kit.pipapi.install()
) is set to C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\ov\data\Kit\Code\2022.3\pip3-envs\default
and C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\ov\pkg\code-2022.3.3\extscache\omni.isaac.core_archive-2.0.1+104.1.wx64\pip_prebundle
I want to manage packages within the Conda environment more easily.