Can i use sdio wifi module by usb to sdio?

For some reasons, I hope to use sdio wifi module through usb to sdio chip.
like this:
Most of the chips I found only have SDIO Memory mode, not SDIO Device mode.
Are there drivers and chips supported under version 32.7?
Can the chip be identified in this mode?

There is no validation of SDIO wifi on xavier officially. But some forum users have enabling sdio wifi, you could search those posts first.

direct connection to sdio is fine, but this way of switching, can the kernel recognize the wifi module?
on sdio memory mode,the linux mass storage class driver can be use。
what‘s the driver will be use on SDIO Device mode?
usb or sdio ? which sdmmc device will be use?
Do I have to write the driver myself to identify it?

NV only provides the sdmmc/sdio driver. The device driver needs to be provided by the vendor driver.

For example, if you use wifi card from Realtek, you need to contact them to provide the sdio wifi driver.

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